Chapter 44

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Aldertree motions for his men to grab me. My Dad steps forward to stop them, but Aldertree gives him a warning glare. He angrily backs down.

"I won't go!" I yell as they begin to drag me from my home. "You can't make me!"

"Actually." Aldertree hauntingly makes eye contact with me. My blue eyes meeting his brown. "I can."

"We-" I begin, struggling to break free. "Aren't doing anything wrong! None of your stupid rules are being broken."

"Ceci, just go." My Dad sadly tells me.

"I don't want to!" I yell as they try to get me out the door.

"I don't want you to have to-" He begins, getting cutoff by one of Aldertree's men hitting him and knocking him out cold.

"I hope you know your a-" He cuts me off.

"Language." They drag me down the stairs and onto the streets. I look around for something to help me, then I do the one thing they aren't expecting.

"HELP!" I scream, making several surrounding mundanes jump. "THESE MEN ARE TRYING TO KIDNAP ME!" I scream as loudly as possible, struggling to get away from them. Aldertree glances around at the mundanes who are starting to surround us.

"Shut up." He whispers as he tries to get me to his black car across the street.

"NEVER!" I scream twice as loud. "HELP ME!!" Aldertree throws me away from him, he and his men get in their car and drive away. I know they will come back.

"Miss are you alright?" I hear a familiar voice, I look up and see the Chinese food Delivery Boy-Jake- ask me. He offers me a hand, which I accept. He pulls me back onto my feet.

"I'm fine, thank you." I tell him, forcing a smile. My head hurts from hitting the concrete but that's nothing a rune can't fix.

"The police are on their way." I hear a man yell from the large crowd that now surrounds me.

"What did they want with you?" Jake asks me, sounding concerned for my well-being, which makes me happy to know someone cares.

"I-I don't know." I lie, as a police car pulls up to the scene.

"Is everything alright?" A young man asks as he gets out of the cruiser.

"It is now." I respond somewhat out of breath, "Thanks to everyone here."

"What happened Miss-?" The officer asks me.

"Cecily Jones." I use my mundane last name.

"Can you tell me what happened Miss Jones?" He asks, pulling out a notepad.

"I had spent my day out in town." I begin to lie, "The whole time I felt like someone was following me. I guess I was right. When I was unlocking my door those men came and attacked me. They probably would've kidnapped me had it not been for everyone here."

"Thank you for telling me this Miss." He comments, clicking his pen closed. "I can get you a police detail if it'll make you feel safer."

"That would be great." Fifteen minutes later and there are police officers surrounding every part of my home. I walk back upstairs to my apartment and let myself in. My Dad is pacing the kitchen, when he sees me, he rushes to me, hugging me.

"How?" Is all he asks. I quickly explain what happened to him.

"Sometimes the mind can be one's greatest weapon." I casually say when I am finished.

"Agreed." He smiles, happy to know I am safe. "I know we have people surrounding the apartment, but that won't stop them if they use a glamour."

"I think some of the people out there were werewolves." I inform him, "I could kind of just tell. But I guess I am only safe for a little bit.."

"We will just take it one step at a time okay?" He asks me, I nod.

"One step at a time." I walk to my room, knowing what I have to do. I have to turn myself in to the Clave.

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