Chapter 29

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My heart was pounding. If a freezing planet was not going to kill us, the clones just might. I thought about playing us off as civilians, stranded here because our ship crashed. Millions of scenarios ran through my mind. I could only imagine what Faven was thinking. I hoped she wasn't going to do anything rash, like ignite her lightsaber and kill them all, but that wasn't her type of personality. I was pretty sure she was thinking I would kill them all.

I looked at her with wide eyes. Tears filled her precious icy blue eyes, desperate for warmth. Mika was unconscious at this point, her body completely exhausted from the cold.

Finally, I turned my attention to the clones. One was an officer dawned with a blue helmet and two pistols. I gulped, waiting for him to kill us.

"Who are you and why are you here?" The officer asked.

"Please," I started, "we need your help. We are from Naboo, traveling to Coruscant. Our ship ran out of fuel," I tried.

The officer ordered the clones to stand down. Immediately they listened and put their blasters away. I sighed a little, somewhat relieved.

"Help them inside." He ordered the clones.

He walked over to me and grabbed my arms, lifting me up. My coat slipped from my side, revealing my lightsaber. The officer looked down at it and I thought we were dead there. But he grabbed the side of my jacket and tucked it in my belt, hiding the lightsaber.

I looked at him and he nodded. Somehow I felt a strange connection to this officer; he felt so familiar.

The patrol led us inside where a medical droid tended to all of us in a separate room. The officer dismissed his patrol unit and also dismissed the medical droid once we were tended to. Mika was still asleep, resting on Faven's lap.

Once the officer closed the door, he slowly reached to his head and removed his helmet. Under the snowy blue threatening helmet was a familiar smiling face, a friend I once knew.

It was Rex.

"Rex!" I almost shouted.

He smiled and I hugged him. His armor was freezing cold, but I didn't care, he was on our side. For once someone was on our side.

"Hey, kid," He responded warmly.

"Why aren't you trying to murder us?" Faven asked bluntly.

"I wasn't affected by the Order. The chip in my brain never responded to Order 66. So here I am, surrounded by blood thirsty clones," He laughed.

It was good to see his sense of humor was still intact, as well as his loyalty. I sat down in one of the chairs in the room and thought about it all.

"What is even happening?" I asked aloud.

"Tragedy," Faven sighed.

"Corruption is a better word for it," Rex countered.

"What do we even do?" I wondered.

"Right now? Keep your lightsabers out of sight and be out of here fast. If the other clones figure out who you really are, they're sending more troops and an Inquisitor to kill you. You have to stay in hiding," Rex suggested.

I smiled. It was nice knowing we had someone on the inside.

"For now, let's get some rest," I sighed, yawning.

Padawan Gone ~ AU (2nd Installment of the Padawan Series)Where stories live. Discover now