The fourth kind

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I lay in bed, worried thoughts fresh in my mind, I slowly drift in and out of sleep as the sun comes up. It was a long stressful night.  Finally I am completely submerged in my subconscious thoughts, dead asleep, the room is still.  I am in the same room as i fell asleep, gradually gaining consciousness.  Suddenly an odd feeling of helplessness jerks me awake.  I stare around the room, my muscles are solid iron.  I struggle to move, blink, speak, scream, anything, but I am paralyzed.  I feel a tugging sensation in the pit of my stomach, tears well up in my eyes but never fall.  I can't breath, my lungs are growing tighter by the second. Everything in the room starts to flash rapidly in variouse colors.  I open my mouth in desperation to cry out but nothing escapes my throat.  I feel a sharp stabbing pain in my feet as they slowly start to elevate.  Soon my thighs are in the air, my body is slowly being forced upward, I try to fight it but i am unable to move by myself.  The flashing lights are beginning to make me nauseous. There is a bone chilling gust of wind that sweeps through the room as if egging on this unknown demonic force which is pulling me towards the ceiling.  Chills run up my back, as my shoulders are lifting from the bed,soon my entier body is hovering upside down.  I feel all the blood in my body rush to my head, I let out a desperate wail of pain but i am mute.  I see movement in the far end of the room, the dorr knob is turning. Fear pumps through my body as the door slowly creaks open.  My body drops to the bed at the speed of light, the flashing stops as I jolt awake for the last time.  Everything in the room is pefectly normal, Iturn my head to the door to see my father with a smile on his face.

most memerable dream i have ever experienced...

-Alyssa Lynn

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