Meeting Splinter

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Venus p.o.v

Venus: Splinter

This is when they meet and Splinter had seen his long lost student yet he treats her like his own daughter

Splinter: Do I know you
Venus: You knew as Meih Peih chi also I was your student back in Japan you had moved to New York before the tragedy had happened I'm sorry for your loss.
Splinter: Meih Peih chi it has been so long my daughter tell me how is your mother doing
Venus looks down and Mikey broke the silence
Mikey: We're sorry
Venus: It's alright she's in a better place. I heard that Shredder heard of your existence Splinter
Splinter: Yes he is my daughter my sons had told me that the Kraang and the Shredder are looking for hooded figure
Venus: Well your looking at the hooded figure
Donnie: Why are they after you
Venus: Shredder had seen me fought his henchmen and wants me to join his clan for the kraang I always go to Dimension X and mainly destroy their stuff such as portals, ships, and all the kraang stuff I also get scraps to my inventions I've been making for the past few years and I also found out that Kraang sub prime wants to.. Ugh..marry me
All of them: Eww
Venus: Yup that's technical about it
Splinter: How the is your samurai training going for you my daughter
Leo: Wait your a samurai
Venus: Yup that's why I work alone
Mikey: Is she a magical ninja or something
Venus: Yes I am indeed Mikey
Raph: Your full of surprises aren't ya
Venus: Yup
Splinter: Kane and Oliver doing
Venus: They are fine
Mikey: Who are they
Venus: They are my brother they are both protective when I'm around guys especially when or I'm in human form
Leo: May we see your human form
Venus: I'm not sure
Mikey: Please
Venus: Are you sure cause I don't think you guys will like me as my human form
Raph: Come on it won't be that bad
Venus: Okay here goes nothing

Her eyes go white and she looks like this but imagine her with bandages on the upper body, around her arms and fingers with Chinese symbols going down her arms, a blossom flower bracelet and a ying yang necklace around her wrist and her neck with yoga pants the boys had mouths wide open even Donnie

Venus: You know it's rude to stare so what do you think
Leo: Beautiful
Raph: gorgeous
Mikey: Awesome
Donnie: Amazing
Splinter: I see you still have the bandages when you were just a little girl my little my daughter ,but where did you get the tattoos from
Venus: These aren't tattoos
Donnie: Then what are they then
Venus: These are marks from every country in Japan they say that when get these marks your a....
Splinter: Legend and a folktale to tell children these marks are burden
Venus: I loved these marks when I was a seven year old girl
Splinter: Your mother would of proud of you
Venus: Thank you Master Splinter
Was she interrupted by her bracelet ringing it comes out in hologram
Venus: Hello
Oliver: Where are you
Venus: Relax with my old Master
Oliver: Tell him I said hello
Kane: ME TOO
Kane: Hi Venus why are you in your form
Venus: Woops would you look at the time

 Splinter: Legend and a folktale to tell children these marks are burden Venus: I loved these marks when I was a seven year old girl Splinter: Your mother would of proud of you Venus: Thank you Master Splinter Was she interrupted by her bracelet r...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Venus: What are you guys staring at Leo: Hey don't you introduce us to your brothers Venus: Because they will kill me if I meet guys especially you and your brothers and plus you don't know how it feels to be the only girl in the family Donnie: I ...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Venus: What are you guys staring at
Leo: Hey don't you introduce us to your brothers
Venus: Because they will kill me if I meet guys especially you and your brothers and plus you don't know how it feels to be the only girl in the family
Donnie: I was hoping to meet them
Venus: Someday you will well it's time for me to head home to head home I'll see you tomorrow Master Splinter
Splinter: To you as well my daughter
Venus leaves the lair and heads home she feels that something or someone she looks behind and she sees a white and blue tiger cub

Venus: What are you guys staring at Leo: Hey don't you introduce us to your brothers Venus: Because they will kill me if I meet guys especially you and your brothers and plus you don't know how it feels to be the only girl in the family Donnie: I ...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Venus: Aww what are you doing here little guy are you lost
She picks him up and scratches behind his ear and he starts to purr soon he started licking her faces
Venus: I'm taking you home what shall I call I'll call you Ming
He starts licking her face
Venus: I'm guessing that's a yes let's get you home

April Meets Venus Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ