Where Is My master

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"no! no!" Sebastian didn't want to this anymore, he wanted to go to his master. "Sebastian...." Claude said. "Y-yes?...." Sebastian asked kinda scared. "I'll let you go...." Claude said. Sebastian was shocked. Right before Sebastian could get up, Claude used his demon speed and tied his hands together. "Huh?!" Sebastian was confused."I'll let you go if you ride me" Claude whispered in Sebastian's ear. Sebastian's face turned bright red. Sebastian was tired of getting pushed around by him. " I'm sorry, Claude...but I had a too much of this!" Sebastian yelled. He forced himself up out of Claude's hold. Before Claude could do anything about this, Sebastian was gone in a blink of an eye.with his cloth gone too.

-in Ciel's room-

Sebastian ran into his room. "MASTER!" he yelled. he saw no one. Sebastian was thinking where he was. "I should have never let Claude take me like that!" Sebastian said to himself, blaming himself for not knowing were ciel is. Then a thought came to Sebastian's mind. It was the order that ciel told Sebastian." that's right...I must kill Claude.." Sebastian said with no soul in his eyes.
    Claude was still shocked on what Sebastian said to him. His voice kept repeating in my mind. "Claude..." A voice came out of no were."Wait I know that voice! It's my lovely Sebastian's!" Claude said in his mind. As he turned he saw Sebastian. But Sebastian looked a little different in Claude's eyes. "Sebastian?..." Claude said while going up to him. In a blink of an eye, Sebastian threw a knife, heading straight for Claude. Claude grabbed his knives out and block it."Sebastian! What are you doing?!" He yelled. "What I should have done from the start," Sebastian said in a cold way, walking up to him." if this is a fight you want, I'll give you a fight!" Claude said trying to show that he was not scared to fight him, but little did Sebastian knew, that Claude wasn't scared of getting killed or hurt, he was scared of hurting Sebastian. Sebastian and Claude were getting ready to fight. Claude knew that Sebastian was going to give it all he got."ready?" Sebastian asked. Claude nodded his head.  Sorry short paragraph:P

True love (Sebastian X Claude) (hard Yaoi )Where stories live. Discover now