Chapter 18~ " Meet me at the back of the school."

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[y/n]- your name
[L/n]- last name
[bf/n]- best friend's name
[m/n] - moms name
[d/n]- Dad's name 
[h/c] - hair color
[e/c]- eye color
[f/c]- favorite color

        The class with Mr.Mine ended and the end of a long and dramatic school day ended. Natsu however couldn't leave since he has a detention with Makarov. Y/n grabbed her stuff and she was planning to walk home with Lucy. Once she was about to leave the school doors she took one last glance and saw Natsu going into the principal's office. She frowned and then left.

      Natsu took a seat at principal's office was stuck in there for a hour. " Well this is boring." Natsu said to himself. He secretly took out his phone and started to scroll through his feed. " Nothing." He said again to no one. He put his phone away and relaxed which turned into him falling asleep.

    Y/n and Lucy were walking together and Lucy talked about Loke and how they had a date. During the walk home they passed a ice cream parlor. Y/n stopped and Lucy noticed and looked back to see y/n looking at the ice cream place. " Hey. You ok? " Lucy asked concerned. Y/n nodded ," Go on without me I'll be ok." Lucy smiled and nodded and y/n walked into the ice cream place. She opened the door and got herself [ favorite ice cream flavor] and Natsu strawberry ice cream. She paid for the ice creams and put a ribbon on the ice cream box for Natsu. She wrote her name on it and smiled. Then y/n ran to Natsu's place so the ice cream wouldn't melt.

      Timeskip brought to you by Wendy trying to rap.

     Y/n finally reached Natsu's house and knocked on the door. The door opened and Zeref's black hair appeared." Oh hey y/n." Zeref said .Y/n smiled and gave Zeref the box ," Put this in the freezer and make sure Natsu sees it please." She said blushing. Zeref smiled and nodded," Are you sure nothing is going on between you two?" Y/n blushed and shook her head," W-well no...I don't even know how he feels about me..." she said muttering the last part. Zeref smiled and nodded ," I'll make sure he gets it." Y/n smiled brightly and thanked him.

        Y/n walked home eating her ice cream then going to her room. Only her mom was home she laid down on her bed trying to relax. Then her phone started blowing up with texts. She looked at her phone and saw who was texting her. Jackson.

Jackson: hey babe

Y/n: please don't call me that.

Jackson: aw what's wrong your mine after all.

Y/n: please Jackson

Jackson: your mine and don't forget that.

Y/n started to shake 'what does he want with me?'  She then tried to relax but all the moments from today filled her mind. She closed her eyes and tears fell and she slowly drifted to sleep.

Timeskip brought to you by Romeo trying lift 100 weights (just to let you know he failed)

                       Natsu's POV

     " Finally detention is over!" I cheered opening the front door of my house. Mavis and Zeref were cuddling while watching a movie. " Ew gross get a room!" I shouted Zeref had a tic mark (💢) on his forehead. " We did before you walked in." Zeref shouted back. I rolled my eyes and was about to go upstairs. " Wait before you go up you have something for you in the freezer." Zeref said looking at me . I nodded and walked to the kitchen and opened the freezer. I saw a box with a red ribbon on it. I opened the box to see a bowl of ice cream . I looked at the box and saw it was from y/n. I smiled and I felt my face getting hot. I grabbed a spoon and started digging in .

Timeskip brought to you by Loke showing his glasses collection.

    I finished my ice cream and decided to thank y/n. I grabbed my phone and walked over to her house. I knocked on the door and it opened to show her mom. " Hi Mrs.L/n is y/n home?" I asked with smile. " Yes she is Natsu! She is right upstairs." She said I nodded and entered the house and went up stairs. I saw the door for Y/n's room and entered." Hi ya Y/n! " I said then stoped when I saw her on her bed. I walked closer to see her phone in her hands. I then saw dried up tears that went down her cheeks. I narrowed my eyes and grabbed the phone seeing messages of Jackson calling her names saying that she  was his. I balled up my fist and texted on
y/n's phone.

Y/n (Natsu): Hey this is Natsu leave her alone she doesn't like you!

Jackson: Oh really your going to play that card y/n I know it's not Natsu.

Y/n(Natsu) : It is what do I need to do to show it?!

Jackson: Fine meet me at the back of school today and I want Natsu Dragneel. I'll give you a fight that you'll never forget.

Natsu gritted his teeth and looked at y/n's sleeping figure.

Y/n (Natsu) : Deal

Jackson : Fantastic

Natsu placed y/n's phone back in her hands and ran out the door.

                              Y/n's POV

  I felt a gust of wind go by. I opened my eyes to see a scale like scarf leave my room. "N-Natsu...."

Juvia: Juvia is scared of what's going to happen next

Lucy : I have a gut feeling that it will be good and bad.

Mira: well the only way to find out is in the next chapter

"I'm never giving up till she's mine!"

" please Natsu I need you."

" Y/n...."

Credits belong to artist for art

A Fairy Tail Highschool Story (Natsux Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें