Chapter 4

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I couldn't just sit in my bedroom, waiting for Demi to come back & tell me why Mercy was crying. I waited a few minutes, then I walked down the hall to Mercy's room. I stood outside the door, straining to hear Demi & Mercy talk. For a few minutes, all I could hear was Mercy crying.

Finally, I heard Demi ask Mercy why Logan said he couldn't be friends with her anymore. I felt my heart sink thinking how that must have devastated Mercy, then I got angry that he would hurt my daughter like that. Mercy responded to Demi by sobbing & she may have spoke through the sobbing, but I couldn't understand her, so I waited.

I could hear mumbling after a while, which was annoying because I couldn't make out what they were saying or even who was speaking. Finally, Mercy sounded like she was trying to stop crying. I heard sniffling & then she cleared her throat. It seemed like an hour before I heard her speak, in a way I could understand.

"Mom, I really thought after what happened between us over spring break... that we'd always have a connection..." Mercy's whine was clear & I became angry when the words sunk in.

I barged into the Mercy's bedroom, startling her & Demi both. "What the hell happened between you & Logan, over spring break?" I bellowed out, making Mercy cower a little.

 "What the hell happened between you & Logan, over spring break?" I bellowed out, making Mercy cower a little

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"Nick." Demi hissed, glaring at me as she stood up.

"What?" Mercy asked, with a hint of confusion.

"What happened with you & Logan over spring break?" I repeated my question, slower.

"I fell into a ravine." Mercy replied, just as slow, acting confused at my question so her eyebrows were together.

I realized my error, in misunderstanding what Mercy had been talking about. "Oh." I said. "Sorry, I thought you were talking about something else. He told you he can't talk to you anymore, but did he tell you why?"

Mercy rolled her eyes. "Yes. He told me he has a girlfriend & she doesn't like him talking to other girls." Mercy ended her sentence with a click of her tongue.

"So, this little shit broke your heart & told you he doesn't want to talk to you anymore, because some other girl doesn't like it?" I shook my head, in disbelief. "I am going to pay his little ass a visit when we're on tour,  in New York..."

Demi grabbed my arm & shook it. "No, you're not." She said, through gritted teeth. "Can you let me handle this, please?"

"Handle it? What are you going to do? You're friends with his mom. No... I will handle it, Demi. I will go see the little shit & hurt him as much as he hurt my daughter."


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