Chapter 9

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This is dedicated to slayer1234 for being my 200th vote! Thank you so much! :)



Zach finally shut up and I was watching the movie in peace before I heard soft snoring next to me. I looked up to see Zach sleeping. No wonder it was so quiet. I decided not to wake him up as he was about a million times more charming when he was asleep.

As his snoring got a little louder I kicked him to try and make him stop. He shuffled a little bit and then I suddenly felt his arm (which was quite heavy, might I add) drape around my stomach. Ouch.

After failing to get it off I saw Lex staring at me.

"What happened?" I whispered.

She shook her head dismissively but I could swear I saw a tear roll down her face.

"Lex, what happened?!" Seb asked this time.

She stayed silent.

"I'm sorry!" he said desperately.

She stayed silent.

Seb looked at me for help but I honestly didn't know what I could do.

"Will you let me explain?" he asked her.

She stayed silent.

As Seb opened his mouth to say something, Lex spoke up. "Well, I'm pretty tired. Good night Soph," she said, climbing into her bed.

I heard Seb swear under his breath as Lex shut her eyes. Seb got under his covers but kept his eyes open and pretended to watch the movie despite the fact that he knew that I knew that he just couldn't sleep.

If Zach's arm wasn't squashing my stomach I would have just dragged them on the balcony and locked them there until they sorted this out. But I just lay there, feeling useless as Lex tried to cover up her crying with a cough and Seb looked away as a tear slipped out.

After about an hour though, they were both asleep and I lay there watching the end of the movie alone. Suddenly I burst out into a coughing fit and I completely blame Zach so if he woke up it was his own fault. Firstly he was the one who got me wet (no pun intended) and secondly I could barely breath because of his arm!

I turned to face him so that his arm wasn't squashing my stomach and inhaled his scent. Hey, I had to make the most of the fact that he was sleeping! I hadn't been this close to him since he slept in my bed after he wet his own and maybe I missed it just a little bit? Alright, so I missed it a lot, but to my defence, he smelt amazing!

He had finally stopped snoring so I closed my eyes and soon I was fast asleep, dreaming of ice cream again! Why did I only get the good dreams when I slept with Zach!?

I woke up and realised Zach was still there. As I opened my eyes I saw him looking at me with a weird expression on his face.

"What?" I whispered, unsure of why I was whispering.

"What?" he asked back.

"Why are you looking at me weirdly!?"

"I'm not! I - You - You were drooling!" he blurted out.

"Zach, I've never drooled. Ever. Now tell me!"

"Nothing!" he said defensively.

I rolled my eyes at him and was about to tell him if he didn't tell me I'd... Well, do something, but I sneezed and then started coughing. I faced away from him just because I was such a nice person and I didn't want him to catch anything and fall ill for his audition. He started rubbing my back and although it was amazingly soothing, it was so surprising that I just burst into another coughing fit.

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