Starting off Fresh (cute Isaac imagine) (part 3)

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Isaac was leading me into an abandoned warehouse when we heard something. The next thing I knew,Isaac was on the ground with a set of twin guys holding him down.

"How pathetic is this beta,Ethan?"One of the twins asked the other. Isaac growled and fought against them with no such luck.

The Ethan guy held Isaac and forced him to look at something. There was a muscular guy tied to a chair,Scott,Stiles,Lydia,Jackson,and Allison to match.

What in the actual fuck is going on in this town?

To say I was confused was the least.

"And lookie here. He brought a human with him."The other guy said,stalking towards me like I was his prey.

"And she smells delicious"he growled,his eyes flashing red.

His hand stroked my face,my instinct to fight back was kicking in and for once I was thankful for my training.

Before he could react I had grabbed his hand and twisted it,the only thing heard was the crunching sound of bone breaking.

"You bitch"he hissed.

"You have no idea"I smirked,looking at his twin.

"Let him go. Or I snap his arm"I spat.

"You're bluffing"he growled. I laughed and punched on his arm,the snap resulting was louder than the last.

"Do it"the twin I was holding puffed out in pain.

"Not so fast"the older and blind guy said. I watched his every move,careful as to not let this alpha werewolf go.

"Who are you?"

"Who I am doesn't concern you"I spat. I threw the twin on the ground,standing back and watching him cautiously.

Ethan threw Isaac on the ground and charged towards me. What I did next nobody was expecting.


"Thank you"The green eyed muscular guy,whos name I learned is Derek said.

"No biggie"I shrugged.

"Alright. This might sting a little."Dr.Deaton said. He raised the alcohol wipe to my busted lip. He had treated my other wounds,which was nothing new due to my fighting history.

"How do you not wince?"Allison asked.

"Used to it"I said,hopping off the table.

"Thanks doc. I'd rather not have to go home and have to stitch myself up."I smiled.

Isaac walked me out to my car,opening the passenger door for me.

Once we pulled into my drive way, Isaac turned to me with a sorrowful look in his blue eyes. He took in my damaged appearance,shaking his head afterwords.

"I never meant for this to happen"he whispered.

"Isaac,don't"I whispered.

"I'm so sorry y/n."he leaned towards me,brushing my hair out of my face. "I'm so so sorry"he whispered,kissing each wound that was on my face.

"It's okay,Isaac. It doesn't change anything."

"It's not! I can't be selfish and let you get hurt."he whispered.

"I still want to be with you"I whispered,leaning forward and kissing him softly.

And for once,I was going to take a risk for something I wanted.

**So that is the end of my Isaac imagine. Message me any requests or suggestions. Tysm for reading and don't forget to vote!

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