*****Cassiopeia's POV*****
***1 year later***
The doorbell rings and I quickly run from my seat in the living room. I pull the door open to reveal Chai standing beside Theo, both holding bags for their weekend stay. "Chai! Theo! Come inside! Farkle will be here shortly!" I greet. They smile and walk inside, straight to the living room.
Farkle walks into the room and sets his bag down. "So, what movie do you want to watch first?" Theo asks, revealing his selection. "I have no clue really. I like the idea of the Still Alice, The Fault In Our Stars, 5th Wave and the Divergent series as our movie options for tonight. But I'm actually stuck wondering why you have such alot of movies that contain romance movie," Chai states. I burst into a fit of laughter as Theo's face turns bright red in embarrassment. "They're a great movies, okay! My adoptive sister also forced me to watch a marathon of the movies when she was sick during one of her school holidays," Theo explains. We send him a sceptical look but nod. "Still Alice, The Fault In Our Stars, 5th Wave and the Divergent Series it is then," Farkle states. Theo nods and crawls over to the DVD player and places the first disc in its holder and presses play once the menu screen appears.
Half way through The Fault In Our Stars, the door opens and I turn to see Grandma and Grandpa walking in and then Josh walking in carrying the grocery bags. "You started the movies without me?" Josh complains quietly. I give him a thumbs up and he rushes to the kitchen, quickly appearing again. He sits on the couch and hugs a pillow to his chest.
I look at Chai only to see fast asleep as the start of The 5th Wave begins. He nods as he follows my eyes to our friend and places a kiss on my cheek as the movie continues.
I wake up after the movie night, curled up next to Farkle as my head rests on his chest, the sound of his heart beat thumping near my ear making me want to fall asleep again. "Wake up, Cass. We have a full day ahead of us and nothing will happen is you continue sleeping on me," I hear Farkle whisper quietly. I sigh in annoyance and sit up from my comfortable position, turning to face my boyfriend with a frown. "Don't start frowning at me. I'm only speaking the truth. Theo wants to go out and about today, so I said we'd join him along with Chai," He explains, tucking the hair in my face behind my ear. I grumble to myself tiredly as I climb to my feet, using the couch as support.
We enter the house to see Cory and Topanga standing in the living room, talking to Grandma and Grandpa. "We're thinking about moving to London," Topanga states. Grandma looks at me over Cory's shoulder and sighs. "Why exactly would you be moving now? Especially when Riley is part way through her Sophomore year," Grandpa asks. "Topanga was offered a higher position job over there for her Law company so we might be moving over there," Cory explains and turns to me. I quickly look away from him and lead my group to my bedroom. I switch on the light seeing as the sky is getting dark, along with the room and turn on the radio. I flop onto my bed and sigh.
***1 month later***
Cory calls me over as Farkle and I are about to leave the classroom. I frown and walk over to him. "While you were away with your Grandparents and Josh, being taught by Feeny, we did a forgiveness project. I know that you don't call us family anymore, but Topanga and I wrote our project. We've been waiting for the right time to give this to you and I believe now is that time. Riley and her friends have written one for Farkle and Riley wrote one specifically for Chai," He explains, passing me the envelopes. I turn to see Riley standing at the door with a small smile. "I'll read mine and give Farkle and Chai theirs when I see them at break," I state and walk out quickly. I feel Riley's eyes train themselves on me as I sling my bag on and run to my next class.
I finish scanning over the letter in my hands a few minutes after finishing all of the work I was meant to and a hand is placed on my shoulder. I jump slightly and push the hand away before turning to look at Riley. "If you don't need help with school work please don't bother at the moment. I'm busy," I ask, packing my things into my bag along with everyone else in the library as the bell rings. "You're my sister. Why can't I treat you like it?" She asks. "Flashback to our birth and figure it out. Now I really have to leave now," I reply, walking around her and connecting hands with Farkle, as he appears to join me on my walk to find Chai in the Cafeteria. I feel Riley's eyes follow us as we walk out of the library and disappear from her view.
I walk into Cory's classroom to see it empty. I quickly dash over to his desk and place a plain white envelope on his bag before running out again to stand beside Chai by my locker. "Ready to for the movie this afternoon? Theo went to see it yesterday and said it was amazing," I ask. She nods happily as Farkle joins us and we start our walk to the cinema. "I've been waiting to see the new Beauty and The Beast film for months! I just want to run into the cinema and steal the movie from them!" Chai squeals, jumping up and down. I let out a laugh and we run out of the school.

Riley Matthews' Invisible Sister
FanfictionFrom the day she was born, 1 hour before Riley, Cassiopeia "Cassie" Marie Matthews has been in the shadows of her younger sister. Farkle and Auggie are the only ones who has noticed her, Auggie since he was a toddler and for that she is thankful for...