59 • co-parenting nightmare

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8:33 a.m.

Alexandra's POV:

Since I was home by myself, I decided to do some housework. After mopping the kitchen floor, I sat in the living room to watch TV before my next task because for some reason, I was tired.

In the middle of watching Steven Universe, I called Michael to remind him to stop by his mom's house before he left.

When he answered the phone, he didn't say anything, so I just said what I had to say before I got mad.

"Hey, don't forget to go by your mom's house be—"

"This isn't Michael." I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at the screen to make sure I called the right person. "Why are you calling my man?"

I laughed when I realized who I was talking to. "Is this Desirae?"

What was she doing with Michael's phone? Is she that insecure?

"Yes. Why are you calling Michael, Alexandra?"

"'Cause that's my baby daddy, bitch," I semi-yelled, feeling myself getting agitated. "I had to tell him something."

"Mhm. I'm sure you did," I heard her mumble. "I know you still want Michael and I know that's why you're always calling him, but you need to let it go. He moved on, and you need to do the same, girl."

I moved the phone away from my ear and cackled, wiping an imaginary tear from my eye. She has lost her cotton-pickin' mind if she thinks I want Michael's triflin' ass.

"Girl," I laughed again. "Don't nobody want Michael but you. But if I did want him, I could easily have him considering he still loves me and all. Anyway, tell your man to call me before he leaves. Bye."

I hung up the phone and tossed it to the side, then I went to finish cleaning.


7:45 p.m.

"I thought Michael was supposed to be here when I got home, Mommy?" Jaden said. "Is he still coming?"

I could hear the disappointment in his voice, and it hurt me. Michael was supposed to be here when Jaden got home from school, but he never showed up. I assumed he was just late, but he didn't call either. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but if he was blowing my kid off, he was gonna get cussed out.

"I'm sure he is, baby. He's probably just a little late."

He nodded and left the kitchen, and I'm assuming in the living room with Blake. The doorbell rang and when I answered the door, Michael stood on the other side with his kids.

"Hi, Miss Alexandra!" Brandon & Layla said together.

"Hi!" I smiled.

Brandon gave me a hug, and Layla jumped down from Michael's arms to do the same. There were a few people that thought I was stupid for being so nice to his kids given the situation, but they're just kids and on top of that, they're Jaden's siblings. Besides, it's not their fault their parents are shitty people.

"Sorry I'm late," Michael apologized. "There was a change in plans, as you can see, and we had to take a later flight."

"It's cool, but Jaden thought you weren't —" I stopped talking mid-sentence when I saw someone get out of the passenger seat of Michael's rental. As she got closer, I laughed bitterly to myself, then squatted down to the kids' level. "Why don't y'all go in the living room? Jaden's in there."

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