About Me.

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My name is Luckary Jennings. But you may know me as Luckary Complicated.

I am currently 14 years old. I'm not 14 years young because "young" is too main steam

I am Polish, i speak french and English.

I'm in 9th grade as it stands now.

My Relationships are Complicated as possible

Now My Relationship between me and my ex boyfriend are very very stressing.

He Hates my guts,I use to Love Him to death And the reason we broke up was because He "Needed A Break" and it broke me to bits,Meaning i went through Depression,Anxiety and peer pressure One day i just finally CRACKED. I went to school(MY PERSONAL HELL) And my lovely History Teacher Mr. Vande  Saw that i didn't have my make up my bracelets My hair was oddly hanging down reaching my lower back. and The teacher pulls me aside  and tells me to go back home? yup that's me all the time.

But Im pretty Laid back about everything i do,Yes Some people have been told and heard me telling them i have Cancer. Its True I have Brest Cancer,I had two types of Cancer But I beat one of them and that was Stage 2 Lung Cancer.

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