Chapter 17 - Back Home

Start from the beginning

"She's going alone to Europe, you know." Dean said.

"Maybe it will do her good, they're so...I don't want to say wrapped up in each other, cause that implies they're still a couple, but...well they are." Seth said after a pause.

"How so?" Roman asked.

"She needs him bad Roman we can all see that, and I'm not just talking wanting him back. She needs him to give her his approval, she wants that more than anything. I think he might even need her, despite what he shows to the outside world." Seth explained.

Getting back in her trailer, Lexie gathered her things. She had barely half an hour to gather everything together to get to the airport. She ran around like a woman possessed, pausing to wipe her eyes now and then as she packed. Damn him to hell. He couldn't just give her just one ounce of praise? Just one, "You did great out there?" Hell, even a "You did good out there" would be ok, she reasoned. And despite what she said to everyone who asked, she missed him. She needed him back. She wants his approval, true enough, but she also wanted his love once again. How was she ever going to get over him? She had just finished packing, and checked to make sure her passport etc were in her carryon bag, when a horn sounded from outside. Grabbing her bag and thinking it was someone's ride, she realised too she should be getting a move on. When she opened the door, she was surprised to see Roman sat in his car, smiling.

"Need a ride, Lexie?" he asked.

"What are you doing here?" she hissed, looking round like a frightened animal. "You are going to get me in to a whole world of hurt,"

"Then pull your hood up, chuck your bag in the back and let's get out of here before he spots us. I'm heading to the airport, you need a ride, we're on the same flight. It makes sense." He said. Lexie looked around anxiously, and knew he was right. She hurriedly did as he said, pulled up her hood, as he opened the trunk for her to put her bags in. She finally clambered in the front with him, and told him to drive, before The Undertaker saw them.

It was weird, she decided, going somewhere without him, going to another place without him on her back. And yet, at the same time, she felt kind of free. She could breathe, she could maybe clear her mind and decide what was going on in her head. She was contemplating this when Roman spoke.

"You going to tell me why you were in tears?" he asked.

"Please, Roman, I'm in enough trouble as it is, I can't...I can't even be seen talking to you, never mind what will happen when he finds out I got a ride with you." Lexie said.

"It's him isn't it? I haven't seen you without tears in your eyes for weeks." He said as he drove.

"Ok, so it is him...we are having a few issues getting along, just like we used to. Same old same old." She replied, looking out the window.

"Except the old you was never this desperate to get his approval, you were more desperate to escape him." Roman added, making her share a small laugh as she tore her eyes from the scenery that rushed past.

"Yeah, I know...but it's different now." She said. "I need him...not that he can see it."

"Is it him, or his approval you need?" Roman asked as the car slowed at some traffic lights. He didn't catch her answer as she muttered it under her breath, but he was almost certain it was both. She had kept her distance from everyone after John tried to help, and Undertaker seemed to like it that way. Roman didn't know if it was as an intention to isolate her and wear her down, or so they could make up. But he decided he had to do something as he drove, before Lexie became a shell of a person.

At the airport, Lexie hurried inside before Roman could be spotted as her driver. Then when he went inside, he found her looking round confused.

"Everything ok?" he asked, making her jump out of her skin.

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