Your Choice

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You woke up cause Bucky was shaking in his sleep. You looked at him a bit worried and you tried to get up but then he held onto you tighter. Bucky was probably having a very bad dream if he was holding you tightly now. You tried to get his arms off of you so you could go get Steve but nothing worked.

"Bucky sweetie please let me go." You said to him.

"No! I'm not letting go of you, Y/N." Bucky talked in his sleep. You looked at him again.

"Bucky please wake up." You said touching his face. When you touched his face he calmed down and then he loosened his grip on you. When he did you got up and went to Steve's room to get him.

"Steve, Bucky was having a nightmare and I didn't want to wake him cause he probably would have hurt me." You said turning on the light and you jumped. It wasn't Steve. It was Rumlow.

"Oh hello there Y/N, it's nice to see you again." He said smirking at you.

"Stay away from me!" You yelled and when you did this woke Bucky up and he ran to Steve's room. He saw that Rumlow had you against the wall with a knife on your throat.

"Get the hell away from Y/N! And where's Steve!?" Bucky yelled at Rumlow angrily. Rumlow laughed.

"Oh when he went shopping I knocked him out and then I put one of those face masks on so I would look like Steve. So now I'm here. I think Rogers is having fun at Hydra right now." Rumlow said smirking and then he kissed you on the lips hard and you tried to not kiss back.

Bucky got very mad at this he walked over but stopped when Rumlow pressed the knife into your throat more.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Barnes." He said looking back at you and then you spit in his face. Bucky stood there and watch Rumlow slap your face and it hurt him.

"You shouldn't have done that Y/N." Rumlow said looking at you and then he threw you to the floor and starting kicking you. Then Bucky came over and grabbed Rumlow.

"You better be careful Bucky. Agents will kill Steve at any moment. Unless you give us Y/N and you'll have Steve back safe and sound or you'll come back with me and be the Winter Soldier again. Your choice." Rumlow said looking at Bucky.

You were crying while laying on the floor cause Runlow hurt you. Bucky looked over at you sadly and mouthed 'I'm sorry'.

"I'll go with you Rumlow and become the Winter Soldier again but you have to guaranteed Y/N safety and Steve comes back here." Bucky said looking at Rumlow.

"Ok Bucky. Good choice." Rumlow said getting up and then Hydra agents came into the safe house and threw Steve on the floor next to you.

"Steve." You said sadly. Steve looked at you weakly.

Rumlow got up and Hydra Agents cuffed Bucky. While they were doing that Rumlow grabbed a gun.

"Bucky do you really love Y/N with all your heart and don't lie." Runlow said while looking at Bucky and then at you.

Bucky looked into your eyes and nod his head.

"I love Y/N so much with all of my heart and soul." Bucky said looking at you. You smiled a bit at Bucky.

Then Rumlow laughed. "Well we can't have can we." He said and shot you in your leg and shoulder.

You screamed in pain and Bucky tried to fight the agents off of him. Steve tried to get out of his cuffs but then would work. You were crying even more now.

"Y/N will bleed out Bucky and you won't have Y/N to care about anymore so you can do your job better." Rumlow said looking down at Bucky just stared at you hoping you would get help.

"Please help Y/N please!" Bucky begged. Rumlow laughed again.

"Do you want me to shoot Steve too?" Rumlow asked pointing the gun at Steve. Steve eyes widened.

"No!" Bucky yelled.

"Ok then stop fighting." Rumlow said walking out of the house and then the agents started to pull Bucky out of the house.

"Bucky no!" You cried. Bucky looked at you and you could tell him was crying.

Then you heard Rumlow gave an order to burn the house down. Bucky screamed for you and Steve to get out and then you heard one of the agents knock Bucky out and you cried.

Steve finally broke his cuffs and he grabbed his shield and then he picked you up.

"Y/N you gonna be ok." Steve said running towards the back door. But then that's when the agents started the fire and the explosion threw Steve back and he hit the floor. When he did you hit your head on the floor.

Steve got up fast and grabbed you and then his shield and then he ran out of the house right before it exploded. Steve looked back at the house and he sighed.

"Y/N are you ok?" He asked but when you didn't answer Steve got worried and then he started running again and the only place he could think of was his apartment back in Brooklyn.

I really love this photo of Bucky. Also tell me what you guys think of this part and what I should put in the next part.

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