Chapter 2 - old friends, new friends.

Start from the beginning

Lucy nodded knowingly. This is where she met Levy, right? Her eyes cast downwards, eyeing the rucksack held in her hands. So, about now, evergreen should take a shift...

"Oh hey Ever!" Lucy's eyes shot up, meeting with Mira's back, who had turned around to see the girl awaiting her shift. Way to go me!

Soon enough, Evergreen had taken her shift and Mira has offered to give Lucy a quick tour of the campus. Lucy agreed, though she easily knew the campus like the back of her hand - this way she could meet her friends again... and maybe everything would turn out how she left it.

The two strided down the narrow hallways holding the different facilities and rooms that Lucy knew so well. She knew exactly when they were about to approach each room, barely listening as Mira stopped outside each door and gave a speech explaining about each one.

All she could think about was why was she here again? What happened on the graduation day that caused her to have to relive everything all over again? Was this just a really really bad dream? Lucy nodded to herself. Yeah, it was just a dream.

"...and this is the library." Mira's talking snapped Lucy from her thoughts of craze. The two headed into the library and Lucy's heart began to thump. She was excited to see Levy again.

Mira opened the library door, looking back to Lucy as she stepped in.

"Like i said before, Library Duty is an available job here... so if you like books?" Mira grinned, most likely noticing the glowing look cast upon the blondes face.

"That would be amaz-"

"Not so fast." A stern voice called from further into the Library. Lucy's eyew widened when a small bluenette turned a corner from behind some book shelves. "I don't know who you are, but I only choose people I know well to join me on the library team."

Lucy gasped quietley. This was nothing like the Levy she knew... or atleast when she wasn't in a bad mood.

"Don't be so harsh Levy, Lucy's new here." Mira spoke up, smiling over to Lucy.

The blonde smiled, though inside she was feeling far from happy.

"Y-yeah, don't worry about it." She stuttered her words as she flailed her hand in an awkward passive motion, waving off the idea of her taking a job here.

Lucy's smile dropped as she turned on her heel to leave the library, hoping to God Mira wouldn't follow her. Maybe that way she could make it to her room to collect her thoughts.

Right now, her brain needed a break.

"Wait." Levy's voice callled, before releasing a long sigh from her pursed lips. "You can take a shift. Just make sure you dont mess up my library and leave all my stuff where you find it." She huffed, seeming like she was trying to act like she hated the situation more than she really did.

Lucy looked over her shoulder, a broad smile across her face.

"Thanks!" She waved, "We'll catch up later, nice to meet you!" And she headed out the door.

"Wa-Wait Lucy!" A soft voice called from behind the now closed door. Mira appeared as she opened the door, her face once again smiling as always. "Let me show you to your room, I don't want you getting lost on your first day."

"No, really don't worry about it." Lucy grinned, gesturing to a map of the campus Mira had gave her earlier, that was folded in her hand. "Im sure I can find my way from here."

The two said their goodbye's, leaving Lucy completley to her own devices. The blonde let out a long sigh, her eyes fluttering shut for a second as they rolled to the back of her head in exhaustion. She headed up an all familiar staircase - the one she took nearly everyday more than once to get to her dorm room. She felt if she didn't lie down soon, her head was bound to explode. Whatever was going on really confused the girl and she was having a hard time understanding it... or accepting it at least.

After an elevator ride that felt longer than it really was, and a tiring walk down the mile long corridoor, Lucy finally stood outside the door of her old apartment... well actually, more like new. Lucy laughed brokenly at the thought.

Another long breath left her mouth as she fumbled with the key in her hand, but before she could look up to put it in the door, her body seemed to be shoved backwards as blur of salmon rammed into her from the now open door.

Her heart hammered in her chest, so hard that she thought it was going to explode. Lucy's eyes slowly scanned up the body of the boy stopped infront of her, her face just as shocked as his as their eyes met.

"I-Im so sorry! Im s-so so sorry!" The boy suddenly yelped, launching himself back a few feet with a look of fear across his face.

And Lucy's jaw only seemed to drop more.

The Flat Friends (ROOM MATES BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now