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"Where do babies come from?"

"I swear to god (y/n) if this is an other of your prank calls, I'm-"



"Lol sorry Hosh, I wanted to do an other prank call but like this was my only idea." I told him after I calmed down.

"You never change do you?"

"Nope never." I replied. He laughed a little.

"You know what?" He said.


"Tomorrow I have a day off."

"That's nice."

"Guess what this means." He told me.

"Umm, you can sleep all day if you want?" I answered.

"Yes, but it also means I can talk on the phone with you longer!"

"Ohhh right."

"You don't sound happy."

"I am. I'm shit at expressing my emotions srry."

"Lol I can see that."

"No you hear that you don't see that."

"Are you really going to be like this?" He said and I laughed.


Our conversation went on like this. Usual stuff. Us joking and talking about random things. We talked during a long while. Somehow we never got bored, even at 12 o'clock pm, three hours later.

"I don't know if I've said this before, but it's nice talking with you like this." Hoshi told me.

"Hmm, I appreciate talking with you as well since I don't really talk to a lot of people." I replied.

"Can you tell me why you don't have a lot of friends?" He asked.

"Ummm well, I'm awkward I guess."

"I don't find you awkward though."

"I don't know, you're like the only person on this earth I'm not awkward with soooo."

"I feel special." He joked.

"Well you are."



"Repeat that."


"Repeat it. Repeat it. Repeat it."

"Tch fine, I just said 'you are'. "

"I'm what?" He teased.

"An idiot."


I laughed.

"Tell the truth." He said.

"I said you're special. Happy now?"

"Yes very." He said with his cute giggle.

"Why am I special?" He still asked.

"I didn't know you were such a narcissistic person."

"I just wanna know."


"I don't know, you just erm you make my day better..."

"Let me call you on FaceTime, I want to see your face."

"Do you really have to make it ten times more embarrassing." I said but he hung up right after my sentence. A second later there was an incoming FaceTime call. I answered.

"Okay that's better, continue." He told me.

"What more do I have to say??"

"Why I make your days better."

"Well, I find conversations with you fun, and I just feel like everything else is upsetting these days. I don't do the work I want and I have almost no time for hobbies because I have to think of my future. I like Korean classes and I've improved a lot, but it takes a lot of my time. I want to have some time for things that really count. Family, friends and love... Talking with you is fulfilling the "friend" part I guess, and I'm happy I can at least do that. You're silly, but you manage to make me smile and that's all that counts to me. I'm just like any average person, I don't have anything special, but I still want to find happiness somehow, you know. This sounds cliché, I'm sorry."

I said all this while looking down at the floor. When looking up to see Soonyoung's reaction, I saw him smiling, a very honest smile.

"It's not cliché don't worry. I'm glad I make you happy. I don't like to see people sad. Also I appreciate that you opened up so much to me just now."

"Well thank you for hearing me out I guess." I said with a smile.

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