I looked at the clock seeing it was 8:30 then got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I cleaned up my face and stared at myself in the mirror. The bags under my eyes were slightly darkened due to bad sleep and my skin was awfully pale.

Sade it was just an after shock from what happened last night. Don't think too much of it.

Which that said I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. I then quickly brushed my teeth and changed into fresh new clothes before stepping out of the room and into the hallway.

"Skye! Brody! I'm awake!" I called out, but the house remained silent.

I frowned and walked towards the kitchen to see the open space was empty, neither Skye nor Brody were in the cabin. I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

"Well shit." I said and grabbed the spare keys to the cabin.

I then opened the front door and closed it behind me locking it. I then pushed the keys in my front pocket and made a bee-line towards the reception office. When I got at the front desk there sat an old lady that was about in her early fifties. She was a bit over weight and her clothes looked like they strangled her of how tight it was. Her face looked like she had a permanent frown on it and was painted in green make-up wich made her look like a christmas ornament with her red work shirt and golden name tag that said Hope.

Doesn't look like she has any hope left...

"Can I help you?" She asked and her voice sounded like a cat's nails being dragged down a chalk board.

"Uh yeah... I'm just wondering if my friends might've passed through here. Skye Gray and Brody Blackstone?" I asked and Hope didn't look too impressed.

"Doesn't really ring a bell." a she said and I huffed.

"Maybe if I explain what they looked like, then would you be of assistance to me?" I asked and she popped a peace of chewing gum in her mouth and started chewing very sloppy and loud.

"Sure sweetcackes, knock yourself out." She said and I gave her a nod.

"Okay well Skye is about my height,  she has coal black hair that comes to her mid back and she has light blue eyes, while Brody is a bit taller than the both of us and is a well built boy with darkish brown hair and chocolates brown eyes." I explained with hand gestures, but that didn't seem to help Hope more than before.

"Sorry buttercup, haven't seen them." She said and started to flip through a magazine that was in front of her.

"Okay look here lady!" I said slamming my hand on the front desk and Hope looked up at me startled. "I can get you fired! My uncle is good friends with your boss! He invited us here to see what's our opinions on the place so I can give him bad intell on you! SO if you don't mind can you please tell me where my friends are?!"

Hope sat frozen in her chair gobsmacked at what just happened. I was fuming at her incompetence as she then sat up and closed her magazine.

"Look here kid... You're going down a dangerous road here. If you get me fired I swear to God-" She started to say, but was cut off by a man's voice.

"Swear to God you what?"

I then froze for a second before turning my head towards the man. He had a tall body, but had a firm slightly muscular chest. Tattoos were edged on his arms at the bottom of his long shirt's sleave and we're spread out on his hands. A flower tattoo popped out from the collar of his shirt and swirled unto his neck. His hair was messy and a dark brown colour that hid away his ears and curled up slightly by his neck. He had a sharp jaw line and small plump lips leading to a perfectly shaped nose and finally darkish golden eyes with a hint of green.

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