Chapter 3

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I finally got home and Jeffory texted me
--text convo--
J: hey!
K: hey! What's up?
J: nothing much. What's up with you beautiful?
K: just playing Mario cart and kicking butt!
J: hehe ur cute when u get competitive!
K: haha nice try! You think if u sweet talk me I'll go easy on u when we play together!
J: I only say these things cuz I have the best girlfriend ever!
J: well I have to go! Abby wants to go to the  park so ttyl!
K: ttyl!
--end text convo--
I went to watch a movie when I heard a knock at the door. "Coming!" I yelled.
"Hey" I saw a boy with white hair and a green sweatshirt. "Hey Travis! Come on in! I didn't expect you!" I said as I motioned for him to come in. "Thanks Katelyn!" He smiled as he walked in.
"So what's up?" I curiously asked.
"Nothin. Just wanted to hang out. Annnnd invite you to a party! It's a beginning of the school party!" He exclaimed. I felt a small smile tug at the corners of my lip. "Sure! I'd love to!"  I accepted the invite."great! It's this Friday  at 6:00" he explained. "Great I'll be there!" He got up and went tword the  door. I watched as he disappeared out the door. I remembered that Friday was my birthday. I sighed  they probably didn't remember, but it was going to be a fun Friday anyway.

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