"Ah! Found it! Sorry, I'm not a very organized person," Jack chuckled. He clicked on the flashlight, allowing a bright shine in my eyes.
"Jesus!" I said while covering my eyes with one hand and the other at the light.
"Whoops," Jack pointed the flashlight downwards. "I got you, didn't I?" He smirked.
I moved my hands away and glared, "Yeah, yeah. Let's just find the board game now," I mumbled.
Jack turned and started walking towards his corridor, I followed behind him.
The door creaked a little as he opened it, "Here's the Game of LIFE," Jack said shining the flashlight in my eyes again.
"Hey! Stop that!" I closed my eyes, blindly running into something.
I heard a box with a bunch of plastic figures spill everywhere as I fell onto a warm chest.
I felt confused.
I slowly opened my eyes to see myself on top of Jack. Jack looked flustered in the position he was in; his arms were on the ground along with himself. Pieces of the board game were everywhere and the flashlight was shinning on the left side of us.
Two embarrassing moments in one day. What next?
"I-I-I," I got up, waving my hands left and right in front of my face while shaking my head too.
I gulped.
"Damn, how clumsy are you?" Jack laughed with his eyes closed.
Still sitting on top of his chest, I stared confused. I thought by now he'd think I was hitting on him, or sexual harassment... oh shit.
Jack slowly opened his eyes with a smile on his face, I could see his pale blue eyes from the flashlight's glare.
I blushed and moved my eyes elsewhere.
"Why don't we start picking up the pieces now?" I said, standing up while brushing myself off.
Jack put his hand out to me.
I did nothing but stand.
"You gonna help your old friend or not?" Jack asked a little impatient.
"Yeah, right," I replied grabbing onto his hand. I pulled him up with all my strength.
He brushed himself off too and glanced at me as I picked up the flashlight. Scanning around the room, I searched for the plastic pieces to the board game.
We finally picked up all of the pieces to the board game, I sighed in relief.
Never have I felt so embarrassed in my life.
I set the board at the table, waiting for Jack to come over. He soon enough sat in front of me. "Hopefully by the time the storm passes, we'll be done with the game."
"And what if it doesn't?"
"We'll find something to do, don't worry," Jack softly grinned.