Another meeting and new pals?

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He heard Petra gasp and shout his name, he ignored her.

"Levi! Can we visit?" She pouted.

"I guess..." He looked at me for my help.

"Don't touch him." She laughed at my threat. I growled at her but oluo made me stop by barking in my ear.

"So your bitch can jump on and lick my Omega but I can't give her a warning?!"

Oluo backed up at my shouting.

I'd began to realise oluo isn't as nasty as I thought he was, he just wanted to impress his mate.
I still didn't trust Petra though.

"Tell her not to touch him then." He smirked but went toward Petra talking quietly to her.

"We just wanted to tell you the news!" She ran towards Levi excitedly.

Levi backed up beginning to think she'd pounce on him.
She reached us but went in closer to whisper.

"I'm pregnant!" She jumped in the air wildly.

Levi looked, taking in the new information but silently smiled at her excitement.

"Why wasn't I as excited?" Levi joked, making me growl.

"Our pups can play together! Maybe even mat-"

"-only play together." Levi closed the sentence as Petra pouted.

"Are you gonna go to the meeting?" I looked to Levi, puzzled.

He seemed to catch my thoughts and answered.

"Omegas get checked up on to see how many pups their having or what dynamic. They get checked around the 5th month."

"So you're going?" He nodded.

"On your own?!"

"Well, yeah?"

"No way!"

"Alphas aren't suppose to be there, they could make a scene." I huffed as did oluo.

"How about you two go together?" Stupid oluo suggested, I growled at his comment, having Levi go alone and pregnant with Her...

"No thank you." He shook his head, I grinned at him.

"But we'll see each other there anyway. Why not come with me?" Petra fought back.

"I don't want you taking me off somewhere..." He said half jokingly.

"Why do you have to go?" I asked, still curious about who was going and why.

"They are counting how many pups will be born in this Pack." I looked at Petra and she nodded her head as if to agree.

"But aren't you recently pregnant?" Levi had said they get checked at 5 months, she wasn't that late on yet...

"I'm only listening to the speech." She clarified.

"I want an alpha..." Levi announced suddenly.

"You do?!" Levi nodded.

"We aren't very good at being taught things. We're hot headed, easily able to pick a fight. I don't want too much stress on you as they grow up..." He smiled under his breath.

"I'll head off on my own..."

I wouldn't allow that to happen!

"At least let me walk you there and wait for you until it's finished!"

"Ugh, Fine." He finally gave in!

We began walking toward the place Petra told us it would be held, just left of the stream.

My Omega {Mpreg}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin