Chapter 19

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"Stop stop! Make it stop please make it stop!" She cried out. I couldn't do anything and it killed me. I had tried to pick the lock but failed. Last night I hit at the door until my hands bled and I was so tired I dropped to the floor. I must have imagined it, but there was a knock on the door. Why were they knocking when they were the reason I was here? I grunted in response and an unsmiling man walked into the room, bent down with a disgusting plate of slop, and left again. I tried some of it and spat it straight out. It was disgusting! They must have been trying to poison me. 

I took the metal fork, stood up and tried to pick the lock with it. When it didn't work, with all of the strength and anger I had I threw it at the wall and shrieked. 

"WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH US. CAN'T YOU LEAVE US ALONE!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and then fell to the floor in a heap, crying. Please, somebody find us. Help me, help Skyla. 


Talia's POV

I opened the door, holding it open for Willow, feeling defeated. I sighed, starting to cry. Every tear represented a different emotion, I was all over the place. I walked into the living room and let out a weird noise, I'd never made it before but..ugh! I was just so defeated and felt so worthless, helpless. The police were still out there, looking for Skyla. We had spent all day looking for her, I hadn't remembered to eat or drink until a police officer had forced me to go and grab something, I just felt hollow and empty. They told me that I wouldn't be helping Skyla by running out of energy, I guessed that they were right. However I ran straight back to help as soon as I'd eaten. I had looked all day, with one faint glimmer of hope inside me. That's the only thing that had kept me going, I wanted to still be out there. To smell the rain on crumpling golden leaves, to have a torch shining around me looking for anything that could resemble a clue, anything at all.The only thing was, I knew that he wouldn't make it easy for us to find her, to find Daniel. 

I felt warm arms around me and hugged them back.

"Talia I feel the same as you do honey. We'll find her, we'll find them. We'll find my baby," I looked up with tear-stained cheeks, breathing in a comforting homely smell. I looked into the same brown eyes that Skyla had, and nodded. Her eyes were ringed with dark circles from 3 days of no sleep. I looked about the same, I guessed. If I was honest, I hadn't looked in the mirror in that long. 

"I wish I believed that. He's not going to make it easy for us to find her, is he?" She shook her head wearily. 


Skyla's mother ran for the house phone in the kitchen, I knew this because I ran behind her. She grasped at the phone desperately, hitting the answer button as soon as her hand closed around the plastic object. I heard a faint buzzing of someone talking at the other end, and Skyla's mother said things like "Oh does this mean anything? Right...okay thank you for your call. I'll be down there immediately." She put down the phone dejectedly. Then she slowly lifted her head up to me, looking as if she were about to break down.

"They found her house keys, in the local park. From the description they were hers, but I need to go down to make sure." I nodded, turning around to leave.

"I'm coming with you...oh hey Willow. Listen baby, I think you should go rest. Go to mine baby, I'll be there soon. I'm just going with Skyla's mum." She nodded and kissed my cheek, sending a familiar rush of electricity into my now glowing skin. She grasped my hand reassuringly and then left. Skyla's mum walked over to the coat rack and picked up a red duffel coat and a green overall, handing me my duffel coat. We put the things on hastily, and then left. We should have told the others of the information, however they were already asleep. Me and Skyla's mum, and my beautiful girl, had been out looking longer than the others and insisted they slept. We walked closed the door behind us, and the wind hit me sharply, whipping my hair behind me. I hugged myself in my coat, radiating body heat. Me and Skyla's mum walked along in silence, not an awkward silence though. We were both thinking, worrying. I took out my phone, and did a surprising thing. I scrolled through my musis playlists, and then hit play when I hit that one artist. I hit play and smiled, looking over at that tired, worried woman, she smiled back. For the first time in days I laughed, and then suddenly she was laughing too. The happy, tinkling sound echoed all around us as we were filled with our own laughter, and then the chorus played and we belted it out. 

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