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Hiro stayed close to L as he watched TV. Once I finished washing dishes I leaned quietly against the kitchen doorway and peered into the living at both the boys. L was sitting in usual position as he cocked his head to one side completely entertained with the television show that was playing. Hiro looking up to L and climbed on the couch and squatted down and cocked his head to the opposite side. I laughed a little to myself before uncrossing my arms and walking over to the chair beside the couch and plopped down. "Ouch..." Hiro mumbled and sat down properly. "How do you do that? Don't you're knees start to hurt?" Hiro asked leaning forward to study L. I looked at him out of the corner of his eye and then back at the TV. "No." he answered simply. "Well...my knees hurt." Hiro said and leaned back against the couch as he sat normally. I turned his head around to look at Hiro for a split second before looking back at the TV. "I'm bored..." Hiro stood up and stood in front of L. L looked down at him and leaned back a bit almost on guard. It was funny to see how L reacted to Hiro...it was like he knew he was smaller than him but at the same time he looked like the kid could smack him in the face at any moment. Hiro put his hand on L propped knees and cocked his head to look at him. "You look funny." Hiro chuckled. L just blinked and turned to look at me. "He does doesn't he." I chuckled back. L half glared at me but didn't say anything. Hiro extend his hand out to touch L's hair and I quietly watched as L looked up at the little hand that ruffled about in his hair. "It's cool...its spiky...I like it." Hiro laughed and gave it a tug and L pulled back as Hiro laughed. Suddenly crow jumped on the couch. "Crow!" Hiro gasped and extend his hands towards the cat and away from L's hair. L rubbed at the wounded area. "Must they touch everything?" L said aloud but Hiro wasn't paying any attention now for he was scratching underneath crows chin making him purr. "Y/n wears the string thing." Hiro asked as he grabbed crow in his arms and dragged him off the couch. The poor cat dangled from the child's arms and gave a look of "help me human". "Over there by the TV." I pointed and Hiro carried the cat off towards the cat toy. L seemed no longer interested in the TV as he watched the boy run the string along the carpet and crow automatically chased after it. Hiro lifted the string making crow jump for it. I looked back and further between Hiro and L. I knew L was upset but at the same time I don't know why he seemed to upset whenever Hiro said "like a family." I didn't want to over think it and come up with an answer that may not even be true. "L!" Hiro shouted out of excitement totally forgetting L was in the same room. "Goodness kid, there is no need to yell." L plugged one side of his ear. I chuckled a little at the thought of L being an actual dad. It was impossible and I'm sure he'd be a very good one but very awkward and weird too. "Look at the cat." Hiro stand and ran over the coffee table with the string and crow sprinting after it. "So easily amused." L chuckled. "Who? The cat or the child?" I asked. "Both." He answer. "Ah right...but aren't you the one watching so doesn't that make you easily amused by watching the amused?" I smirked. L looked to me in a half glare but a small smile pulling at his lips. "Hush woman." I laughed and shook my head.

It wasn't too late as we heard a knock at the door. Hiro was asleep on the couch barely taking up any room. His stuffed animal he won from the movies was tucked firmly underneath his arm. A blanket was draped over him as he laid his head against the pillow with his feet up on the couch curled into a small ball. L continued to sit on the other side of the couch giving little glances to make sure he was okay or to see if he was still asleep. In my mind it seemed like L was getting a little bored now that Hiro wasn't awake to ask him a million questions and do a million things. I stood and answered the door already knowing who it was. "He fell asleep a while ago, I hope you don't mind." I answered the door to show Hiro's mom as she stepped in with a small laugh. "No not at all, it's great that he's so comfortable here." She went over to him and knelt beside the couch. She ran her hand softly through his hair. "Wake up my little Hiro." She cooed as he stirred awake. I watched L starred at the scene and study them like he'd soon be tested on this. I approached him and yanked a strand of his hair to get him to stop starring. Of course I was familiar with L's behavior but to others it's could come off as creepy or impolite. "Don't be rude to me Y/n." He tilted his head back to look at me standing behind him. I brushed his hair back to expose his forehead considering his head was already hanging back. "Don't make me kick you." He said in a straight face but I only laughed and put my hand on his face. "You're weird." I laughed again and walked around the couch. "Goodbye Y/n." Hiro said through a yawn and lazily walked over to hug me. "Goodbye L." He walked over and climbed on the couch wrapping his tiny arms around L's neck. L's facial express went from unamused to confused as his eyes widened. He patted the child's head. "Goodbye Hiro." He said and Hiro hopped off the couch and took hold of his mothers hand. "Here's the money I owe you, thanks again for watching him on such short notice." She handed me the money and then looked to L. "I apologize I didn't get to meet you properly earlier. I'm Suske Hoursia." She stuck her hand out to shake L's. "It's nice to meet you, my name is L." He stood up from the couch and extends his hand towards her. "Forgive me asking but are you two dating?" Suske nudged my arm with a chuckle. I blushed and L rubbed the back of his neck. "It's complicated." I replied. "I would very much like to date her but she hates me." L answers monotone as always. I smack his arm and he grabs the wounded area. "Long story short we used to date and were once engaged but then we had to split up because he worked for the police task force and it got really complicated." I explained. It wasn't too weird explaining it to Suske considering she was like a sister to me. A sister who was about 10 years older than me but none of the less she was a good friend. "Then I showed up on her door step." L added and I pinched the bridge of me nose. "How romantic." Suske chuckled. "That was my intention but no one shoots me down to kill me quite like my Y/n here." L cocks his head to look at me and I glare at him. I hate that he guilt trips me. I pinch his arm and he holds it again. "I wish you the best of luck, both of you. You guys looks cute together." She chuckles again and leads Hiro out the door. "See you next time." I wave from the door and L stands behind me and also waves them off. Once they get in the car I elbow L in the side and slam the door. "Why did you say that...I hate when you guilt trip me, you make me sound heartless, I hate you sometimes." I scold him. He just stands with his hands in his jean pockets and smirks. "Don't smirk." I demand and go to walk up the stairs to get ready for bed. "You don't hate me. I can see it in your eyes...have you forgotten that I was once the greatest detective? I still am if I might say so myself." He stands at the bottom of the stairs as now I'm almost to the town. "I'm not listening la la la." I wave him off. I can hear him chuckle. "Goodnight Y/n." He calls and with that I close the door to my bedroom with my back against it. I couldn't help but recall the first time I stayed at headquarters and we talked for hours until I finally got tired. He made me get rest and before I walked up the stairs I told him goodnight. That night he also told me he trusted me enough for me to call him by his real name...he also addressed me by real name which is kind of big for L himself considering he's very short and to the point and didn't have time to waste making others feel special. I guess even way back then we had feelings for each other without even realizing it...

After getting dressed I climbed into bed but just starred at the ceiling. "Sometimes I hate you." I mumbled to myself referring to the man that was probably downstairs rummaging through my cabinets like a raccoon looking for something sweet.

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