The garage was fairly messy; wires lying about, ICP posters hanging everywhere, equipment in the back, and a huge red Hatchet Man logo painted on the floor. Despite the rundown state of the inside of the garage, Shaggy and J managed to practice for the upcoming concert without a care in the world.

"Joseph, we need to talk. It's about Lucy." Michelle said as she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against a wall. The anger showed in her eyes, like the way it had when Lucy beat up that kid at school.

"Oh shit...this is about her...?" J said as he ran his hand through his short, blond hair. He had heard about Lucy's mental health. He had even taken her to therapy for it because Michelle said it was getting that bad. Although, the psychiatrist had said that it was just 'a phase' and that 'it would pass eventually', J and Michelle thought differently. 

"What are we going to do? We've had her try all the meds. Every psychiatrist in town has said there's nothing wrong with her." Michelle said, eyes  brimming with tears.

There more that Michelle didn't want to do to her beloved daughter...she didn't want to have to do it...and the very idea of sending Lucy away scared her...but it seemed like it was the only option at this point. That other option was sending her away to a Marine boot camp. Not the best of options, but it was the last one.

"There more option..." J said, hugging her tight. Though he didn't want to do it either, he knew it was for the good of his daughter. Michelle nodded. "I...I suppose we could...try..." she said, her voice breaking with sobs as she buried her face in his chest.

A few weeks later, Lucy found herself at a Marine boot camp away from home. It was horrible. The days were hot, long and hard. She never fit in with anything that the Drill Sergeant said, always getting yelled at if she did something wrong, made to seem like a useless piece of trash. It hurt. It hurt a lot. Lucy's body ached when she laid down in her cot at night, and it burned when she woke in the early morning. Every night that year Lucy would lay awake, staring at the ceiling and plotting her revenge until she was finally deemed "stable" enough to leave.

She arrived back home, feeling absolute rage at her mother for sending her there. A burning hatred deep in her soul that she couldn't fight. Lucy was incredibly nonchalant though, laughing and smiling as if everything was ok, but deep inside, she knew nothing was. She had one thing on her mind. Murder. She wanted to kill her mother for what she did, and she had the perfect plan...

That night, before sitting down to dinner, Lucy slipped liberal amounts of cyanide into her mother's food. Where did she get the cyanide? That doesn't matter right now. What matters is the outcome, just as she planned.

Michelle started complaining of a stomachache just after dinner, then the vomiting started. Assuming she was simply coming down with the flu she said goodnight before retreating to her room. Hours later, J went to check on her and found her barely breathing.  He had rushed to her to the hospital, believing that an ambulance would take too long. She was pronounced dead on arrival. J had came home later that night, almost crying. He waited until he got upstairs to his room before curling into a ball, holding Michelle's pillow to mask his sobs.

The whole time this was going down, Lucy cried and screamed for her mother...but it was all an act. In her mind she was grinning like a Cheshire Cat at her success. She pretended to be sad just to make it seem like she cared for Michelle, but she really didn't.

Months later J had started to get over Michelle's death, at least on the outside. He was in the garage talking to Shaggy in a hushed voice, trying again to figure out what the hell happened. Lucy knew they were talking about so she stood by the door, out of sight but still able to hear. 

"Yo, maybe Lucid killed yo' girl. I mean, she looked pretty pissed after she came back after that military school." Once she had heard that, she ran upstairs to her room and  grabbed a few things; the hatchet that Shaggy had given her for her birthday, a copy of The Great Milenko, and a photo from her nightstand. 

Before leaving down the stairs she looked at the picture. It was taken when she was 13, the first time she had ever been to The Gathering of the Juggalos. Lucy was on stage with Shaggy and J, wearing her face paint and a special outfit that she picked out for this; hair dyed pink temporarily, ears pierced with Hatchet Man earrings, a Hatchet Girl baseball T Shirt, black bikini bottoms, fishnet stockings, and black stilettos. Lucy remembered the song; Boogie Woogie Wu. The chorus part of it where a female voice was needed her father had allowed her to sing.

The memory was shattered by the sound of two people coming up the stairs. Shit. At a speed so quick it shouldn't have been possible, she stuffed everything into a book bag and threw it over her shoulder.

Thinking quickly, Lucy opened the window, put one leg out the window, and prepared to jump. She closed her eyes as she slid her other leg out the windowsill. She was about to jump, when-

"Lucy!" It was Shaggy's voice. Lucy turned her head to see both of them standing in her doorway. "I'm sorry, Daddy...I still love you..." She said before dropping outside, landing with a loud thump onto the grass and doing a tuck-and-roll to not shatter her ankles.

Lucy dashed towards the woods behind her house, boots hitting the ground hard. She knew she wouldn't be caught out here. She knew she hadn't gotten away with murder. She knew that J and Shaggy wouldn't ever look at her the same way again, but she didn't care. One last thing burst from her mouth before she broke the tree line heading into the woods. 


The Story of Lucid Lucyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें