Life of a Malfoy ch. 23

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"Lexa?" a diffused voice said. My eyes were rolling around.. Pretty pictures... There was a nice white light in my head, carrying me to heaven..  

"Lexa!" a voice shouted. Ouch! Did they know that they were making my head hurt? Talk about rude people these days! Shouting in someone's ear, rubbish! 

"Lexa!!" Okay, I quit.  

My eyes opened and I saw Harry and Hermione in front of me, holding a very bright light. I fluttered my eyes and hit the light in Hermione's hands. She took it away.  

"Lexa, why didn't you tell me what happened?!" Harry demanded with a very harsh tone. He helped me sit up against a wall, and I realized we were in Harry and Ron's shared dorm. I turned away to avoid the question, and Harry cupped my cheek in his hand. "Answer me."  

"I-I don't know what you-you're talking about.." I stuttered, whispering. Harry brought my face to look at his. I saw the stress in his eyes, and the sketched dark circles. 

"I know what happened, but why didn't you tell me?" Harry asked. 

"How much do you know?" I whimpered.  

"Everything." I tried to look away, because I couldn't face him and tell him the truth. I swallowed the frog in my throat, and let out a sigh. I needed to tell him why. 

"I just thought that if you weren't involved h-he would leave me alone.." I started blinking tears out of my eyes, and he held my face.  

"You scared us, a lot." 

"How did you find me?" Hermione answered: 

"I was trying to follow you after you left Harry in the courtyard. I knew you were upset, so I didn't want to bother you until you stopped. When I turned one of the corridors, you were gone. I got worried, so I waited there. When Malfoy and Annalice threw you out of the Room of Requirement, I checked your pulse. I got Harry, and we interrogated Malfoy and Annalice with the Imperius curse right after they walked out of the door." I looked at her with wide eyes. Harry sat next to me on the wall, and held my hands. 

"What time is it?" 

"Two," She said.

"Is the dance still going on?" Hermione shrugged. Harry brushed my arm, and I looked at it to see a freshly bandaged wrap covering it.  

"Knicked it from Madam Pomfrey. I didn't want to take you there and cause trouble," Harry explained. I nodded, that was a good thing. If I was in the Hospital Wing, who knows what would have happened? I saw the slash on my leg that was also wrapped, and was very surprised to not feel a bandage on my face. 

"This needs to stop, Lexa. You can't be walking anywhere on your own." I growled, but Harry cut me off, "If he attacks you again, I'm taking it to Dumbledore." 


"No. I'm not going to let him touch you." He wrapped his arm around my waist, and I whined.  

"Fine. If you're going to be my bodyguard, then teach me something." I smiled. He looked at me.

I cracked my knuckles, then my neck. Was I ready? No, I wasn't.. but that didn't matter. I calmed my mind, and cleared it of all thoughts but one. One that was sweet, but amazing. It had a warm feeling to it, and made me smile. It had the qualities of perfection, if that was possible.  

I don't think it would have been particularily hard to think of the memory. It was always a favorite to me. It was also strong, like Harry had said it would need to be. I smiled. I was ready. 

"Do you have one?" Harry asked me. 

"Yes. I'm rather fond of it too. It's very strong." He smiled back and me and nodded. I took my wand off the table. 

"You remember the incantation?" I nodded my head, and started whispering it. "Okay, one.. two.. three!" 

The box flew open and I stepped back. The air seemed to shift through my eyes, and a dementor appeared.  

"Expecto Patronum," I said and waved my wand at it. "Expecto Patronum!" My wand flickered. "Expecto Patronum!!" I screamed, and the memory soared through my brain. A shield of glowing mist flew at the dementor, sending it flying back into the large box. Harry quickly locked it and ran to me. He embraced me, and I caught my breath.  

"You did it!" He was smiling like crazy, and so was I. "I think that's enough for one day. Good job." He pecked me on the cheek, and I pecked him back. I held on to his arms, and sighed deeply. He gave me a funny look, and I just shook my head.  

"I need a nap." I told him. The empty classroom we were in apperently had no beds, so we walked back to the Gryffindor Common Room, and I crashed on the couch. 

Home sweet home. 

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