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I woke up to SCREAMING, my phone going off with text messages, and the smell of eggs bacon and coffee. I got up and opened my door "yup...just what I suspected" I said looking at gabby and Bella screaming at each other.

I walked to the bathroom and started to brush my teeth. After I was done I hopped into the shower, the warm water hit me and I was wide awake. I got out and ran to my room, got dressed and did my makeup.

I ran down the stairs and the plate of food was calling my name. I sat down and stuffed my mouth while my mom tried to calm the girls down "but she took my phone" Bella said "you took my boyfriend"gabby said "ahh kids these days have phones and boyfriends...wait what am I talking about I'm a kid" I laughed.

About 5 minutes passed and I remembered that I forgot to check my phone. I looked and had a few text messages from my group chat.
Loren=💋queen, Blake= cooties😉, Weston=wes10🐢🍪, hunter= hunta😊🤘, Brandon= bestie😍, mark=egghead🍳,
Luna= beast🐗, Jacob= Sacob Jartorius😳,
Ashton= my son😌,
ruby rose T= my sons pretend girlfriend💕
Ariel= ma girl💄, Brianna= bri👑
💋queen- bri I'm coming over ur house in 15
Besti😍- me too
Hunta😊🤘- don't forget about me
Cooties😉- your lame forgetting about me
Hunta😊🤘- ur in Texas bro or are u with ariel😏
Cooties😉-shut up
Wes10🐢🍪- wuuutss up loserrrsss 😜🤘
Sacob Jartorius😳- hey guys
My son😌- I'm trying to sleep 😴
My sons pretend girlfriend💕- yea guys
Bestie😍- lovebirds ❤️
My son😌- shut up Brandon!!!
Bestie😍- Ashton what were you dreaming about last night I think u were kissing ur pillow. Was it about ruby 😏
My son😌-bro stop now 😡
Bri👑- leave my son alone brando
My sons pretend girlfriend💕- gtg bye guys Ashton text me later❤️
Hunta😊🤘- awwwwwwe you go Ashton
My son😌- stoppp it I don't have a crush on ruby okay
Besti😍- who said anything about u having a crush😏
My son😌-😳
Bri👑- yo guys come to my house tonight!!!!! My mom and annoying little sisters are leaving!!! We gonna beee liiittttt🔥 Netflix, foooodddd, and sleeeping Heeellll yyeeaa ur asses better be here
Ma girl💄- I'll be there for sure
Beast🐗- sure I'll come
Hunta😊🤘- is ur hot sis gonna be there
Bri👑- maybe😏
Hunta😊🤘- I'll be there
Bri👑-and when I say maybe I mean NO
Hunt😊🤘-dang it, I'll still come
Besti😍-I'll be there
Cooties😉- I'll be there
Egghead🍳- bet ur ass I'm going
Sacob Jartorius😳- I'll be there for sure
Wes10🐢🍪- yup ImThere
💋queen-I'll be there in like 5 sec
Bri👑- k bye gtg syl (Syl=see you later)
I heard the door open and it was Loren "hey sista" I joked "sup sis" she laughed "ok so first we gotta go and get some food wait not some A LOT of food and some blankets and stuff so let's go to Walmart" I said pointing to the door "k" she chuckled and we started to walk out the door "wait for meee" Brandon screamed from across the street "na" I said an we continued to walk "you girls are mean" he said wiping away fake tears "I know jk ily bestie" I said hugging him.

We made it to Walmart and we literally grabbed all the snacks and drinks we could find, Then we got some blankets. We sorta lost Brandon so we went out looking for him, when we found him he had ninja turtle boxers, socks, and for some reason he had a bra! "Why do u have a bra in your hand" I said cracking up "I need it" he wined "oh no not the I need it phase" I laughed "I need it, I need it, I need it" he kept saying louder as parents and kids stared "I'll get it now shut up Timmy" I said trying to act serious "YYAAYY" Brandon screamed and everyone was looking at us. After we paid I called an uber and we went home.

Just friends?//a Brandon Rowland and h.r fanfic//حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن