4-Find a way out

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Everyone taking a deep breath started to make their way towards the corridor. They all prayed that the door would be unlocked.

"I hope there would be no more surprises. I had survived enough scares for one day." remarked Brieann.

"I think we are being watched."

"Now that's paranoia, Olivia."

"Don't talk like that. It scares me to even think of such a thing."

"I agree with Olivia."

" We're on a movie set guys." Megan retorted annoying everyone.

" If we were someone would have told us something. Plus Mr.Jerkowitz would be the last teacher to take part in anything." Brielle added.

The kids were halfway through the corridor when a shadow passed over them. Everyone looked up, the shadow swooped over them once more. Everyone stared and froze. They opened their mouth to scream, but no sound came out.

An unearthly sound, like the dry chatter of a skeleton's laugh filled the air as they saw a white skeleton dangling on a rope in the ceiling glaring down at them.

It took them a long while to stop screaming. They all stared in shock. The kids huddled together terrified and crept slowly towards the end. Glancing around frantically, they wondered if it was safe to move.

Josh said in a low voice, "Let's try to get out of here now."

He ran ahead of the pack. Josh had a heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach. His hands were suddenly cold and clammy.

"That's crazy," muttered Drake."I hope someone explains what this was all about when this is over."

"You mean if we get out of here alive." responded Drew.

Suddenly the lights came on and everyone gasped. It was like they never left the drama room . They were back there. They all started chattering at once, their voices high and frightened.

"Ahem!" sounded Mr. Jerkowitz, "attention please. Today for class we are going to discuss the emotion, "fear". Please take your seats."

He wrote the word the entire width of the board which caught everyone's attention. They exchanged confused glances.

"Mr.Jerkowitz did it. He really pulled it off. The ultimate class intro." Drake applauded

"What the hell-"blurted out Olivia.

Watch your language, Missy."

"I have such a bad feeling about this," Josh whispered to Olivia. "A real bad feeling."

"To start off today's lessons each of you will be help me understand your interpretation what you experienced today. "he explained.

The students continued to exchange glances of surprise and disbelief.

Josh felt a ball form in my throat. His gut radar readings were off the chart. Something about this about this made him feel uneasy. He cringed and turned to Olivia and whispered, "Weird uh, Mrs. Lewis never did emotions last year in English class. "

"Strange feeling uh!" she retorted," It's not like he is collecting the data for extraterrestrials you know."

As Mr. Jerkowitz walked through our aisle he pressed a single sheet on each desk.

"You have ten minutes to share your response. "he instructed.

"Is he serious? Is this some kind of joke?" Jada commented

"But he's all very serious." Jade said.

 Ten minutes later...

"Time's up!" called out Mr. Jerkowitz,"Please pass the papers to the front. I have a surprise for you ." he continued.

In walked Mr. Arnold the owner of the game arcade. With a strange device in his hand.

"It's called the Fear-O-Meter and it was able to measure each of your level of fears. It creates fear juice from people's fears. This is one of the new stimulator at the arcade. "he explained.

Olivia gave Josh the "you over imagining look again".

Megan mouthed," Say it . I told you so."

The feeling didn't shake over him. He knew it was more than that.

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