Eyes of Rose Flame (Liam Payne)

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Dreaming isn't something I do very often. At least, I don't remember my dreams when I wake up. When I was little, I had this recurring dream. For the life of me I could never remember what it was actually about. All I could see upon awakening were these eyes. They looked like molten chocolate flaked with gold and ringed in charcoal. I know the dream was a good one and for years I could never get those eyes from my mind.

It had been several years since I'd last had the dream, so I was surprised when I saw them again. It was a flash in my subconscious. An old dream invading a new one. I couldn't say I really minded. The flashes of those eyes were getting longer and I struggled to pull the nearly lost memory back into existence. I could see a strong jawline covered in a light stubble. His hair wasn't quite apparent just yet, but somehow I knew it would be a shining, deep brown that I would ache to run my fingers through...

"Bayley! Get up! We need to hit the market while the guard shift changes." An annoyingly familiar voice pulled at my concentration. The memory of the dream man faded back into the farthest recesses of my mind, leaving behind only those eyes.

"Damn it," I growled through clenched teeth. I didn't need to open my eyes to know it was early. I had probably been asleep for less than five hours. My limbs already protested against movement. I begrudgingly threw the fraying blanket that covered me to the side and stretched. My clothes were dusty and covered in patches but they would still be good for a while longer. My shoes on the other hand... They had large holes in the soles that no amount of patching could fix. Throwing them aside as well, I wrapped my feet in thick bandages to help with the sound and protect them as best I could from the stone streets. "Where are the others?"

"They're waiting on the wall. They wouldn't be the ones to wake you." Peter gave me a cheeky smile before pulling me to my feet. They were a little sore, something I was rather used to by now. Peter shook his golden blonde hair from his eyes and pulled his cap down lower.

I pulled my own honey blonde hair up into my own cap. "How do I look?" I asked batting my eyes like a school girl.

"Like a proper boy," he joked before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

I shoved him away and wiped my cheek with the back of my hand to hide the blush that crept unwillingly into them. "Stop your flirting and let's get going. I cannot believe you let me sleep this long." Peter and I shared the small room we had built atop the roof of an old building. It was nothing more than a few boards held together with rusty nails with hey strewn across the floor. Still, it was a place to rest for a few hours and hide from prying eyes.

"You look so beautiful when you sleep. I wanted to let you rest while you could," he said honestly as he followed me across the rooftops. We easily made the jumps from one to another and across the planks we had thrown down when the gaps were too long to risk.

My stomach grumbled just as we made it to the wall that surrounded the entire city. You could see for miles from its top. This particular section was near the gates, but far enough away that you couldn't be seen easily by anyone passing through them. An old guard tower had once stood here, but had fallen into disrepair. It was the perfect place for my ragtag band of thieving teens to scope out the market. "What have we got?" I questioned as soon as I was in the shade of the abandoned shack.

"Four guards for the next ten minutes: two at the city gate and two at the palace gate. The others are in the middle of a shift change. We should be able to hit up the stalls in the center of the market and be out before anyone notices. Those wealthy merchant pigs won't even see us coming." Tom, a brunette particularly good at spying, smiled proudly. He had done his job well.

"Right. So we're going straight for the bread, cheese, and fruit carts. Grab all you can and get out of there. No stopping for anything else. Got it?" I questioned the group. There were six of us in all. We all looked to each other and nodded before I continued. "Peter and I will take on the bread and cheese. The vendors are too stupid to notice much. Max, Ryan, and Mitts, you go for the fruit carts. I would focus on the apples and peaches if I were you. Grab what you can though. Tom, you look out for any more guards than the four to come running. We'll meet back up at the hut, yeah?" Once again they all nodded. I knew I wasn't the only one hungry.

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