I wrote all of this in like five or six hours. that's a new record. I decided to be one on my readers and list my opinion: If I was Milan, I would've done the same thing. After all, she didn't know the whole story. If one of your best friends came up to you and told you about a pregnancy test and pictures, is that not enough proof? lol. I think that kid of answered two comments.Also, this is about Pleasure and Caesar. Carla wants Caesar so what she did to Suan is situated with them. About the Mariah/Rod sex part, I just wanted something to make the chapter longer and I wanted this story to be about them as a group and include all of them.
...but I can't stand up for Milan on this chapter.
I love y'all for them comments and votes on the last chapter. I really appreciate that. Don't be afraid to PM me or something.
So what y'all think about this chapter?
(7) Cameras P2
"Baby girl you need to stop it all that pride and self esteem. Got you angry about this girl I'm with in all them magazines. Baby she look like a star, but only on camera, Only on camera, only on camera. It look like we in love, but only on camera. Only on camera, only on camera. Don't listen to the lies, I swear they all lies. You know I could be your knight in shining Armour All tires." - Drake
Champy hugged Milan tight, whispering her apologies over and over. She didn't think this was going to happen and to be honest, she didn't think Milan had the guts to stab Suan. Once Zane found out, he hadn't said a word to Champy.
"It's okay, thank you for telling me." Milan told Champy with a false smile. It had been exactly twenty-six hours since the incident.
To everybody's relief except Milan's, Suan was fine. He just needed a few weeks to heal and because of that, they delayed work.
Pleasure couldn't believe Milan actually stabbed Suan. She would of always thought of Champy stabbing Zane or vice versa. She saw Milan and Suan as being the last couple standing, never breaking apart.
All the boys had gone to Suan's apartment where he was resting, away from Milan. Except for Terrence who was dealing with family problems.
"Did you ask him about anything?" Mariah asked.
"No, as soon as he came through the door my anger just went up from a seven to a ten." Milan bit her lip as she put her head in her hands.
"Damn, you supposed to ask him girl. Some stories not right, no matter the amount of proof." Skylar told her.
Pleasure felt as it was her turn to comfort Milan. Though she never was cheated on or stabbed anyone, she somehow knew how Milan felt.
"Come here." Milan looked up to Pleasure on shock before surprisingly throwing herself in Pleasure's arms and finally letting her tears out since the situation.
"I loved him so much." Milan cried.
"I know." Pleasure whispered.
Suan lit the blunt before putting it to his lips and inhaling.
"How the hell this happen?" Monie asked as he sat back.

Pain, Pleasure, and Temptation #4
General FictionTwenty-two-year-old, Pleasure Aylin Margery was the most independent woman she knew other than her mama. Her mother played her father's job while Pleasure learned how dirty the world actually was. Not every man was a gentlemen, not every hoodlum was...