Chapter 1: The Letter

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        “Aaaaahhh!” I bolt up, my vision could not comprehend the image that shrouded my brain. Beads of sweat ran down my face as I panted, gripping onto the sheets. My heart thrust against my chest harshly and rapidly. It took me a few minutes to get myself back in reality and I ran my hand up my wet hair, gripping on it.

          What a horrible nightmare. I took in a deep breath, making sure that I wasn’t killed or anything. Then, suddenly, the door to my room opened. An old man was standing in front of the threshold, his eyes were full of concern. He was my uncle.

          “Galen? Are you okay?” he asked anguishly and I looked at him, panting like a tired dog and nodded. The sweat beads leaked onto my cheeks and they rolled down, dripping quietly on the blanket, as if  a droplet of rain carefully dropped on the water's surface, creating a pattern of ripples.

          “Yeah. . .I’ll be fine. . .” I retorted and he stepped in carefully. The wrinkles on his face creased again as he sat on the edge of the bed, taking my hand and holding it.

       “If you are okay, please take a shower, you wreak a terrible odor.” he said and I flushed embarrassingly. I got up and bolted towards to the bathroom and poked my head out the door before taking one.

         “Geez Uncle, it’s not my fault, okay?” I said, trying to clear up some misunderstanding. I only wreak a terrible stench because of the nightmare. Honestly, it’s been a few times that stupid dream played in my head continuously.

           “Galen, once you’re done, come. There is a letter for you.” he said as his gentle smile returned back on his face. That made me relieved in my heart; he was growing pretty old, I didn’t want anything to do anything that might hype his nerves up. I turned on the water, adjusting the temperature that was just right for me. I stripped all of my clothings and stepped in the shower, allowing the water to wash the fear out of me. The droplets rolled down my face as I tilted my head back, feeling the heat transmitted into my skin.

          When I was done with the shower, I threw in some random casual outfit: white tank top underneath, a black thin hoodie over it, and some jeans. I fixed my hair, combing it diagonally so my bangs would just brushed over my eyebrows, giving it an exotic look. I stepped out the bathroom and made my way into the kitchen as my uncle had ordered.

           “Uncle?” I began, placing an arm over the walls as I glanced him. I saw him sitting in the dining room, a piece of paper was in his hands. He recognized my voice and looked up immediately, waving his hand. He signaled me to come over there and sit in front of him. I walked towards to the chair, sitting down comfortably.

            “Here Galen, read it.” he began, handing me the paper. A strange wave of anxiety hit every ends of nerves I’ve got. I skimmed through the letter.

                It read:

Galen Wulfo,

               Good evening. If you have received this letter in your hands, we would like to congratulate you for becoming an official student at Saint Vrykolakas Academy. To become a student at such a sophisticated school, we would like to invite you to come out and take a tour in the academy itself. Great expectations awaits for you as well as great responsibilities. It is in our honor to say that for a student like you to be chosen, you are deemed an important figure in our hands. You are special, unique, and exquisite in our eyes. We are so captivated by you that we decided to give you a full free ride to Saint Vrykolakas Academy. You will be automatically registered in a classroom with no entrance exams. To add in, we’ve already covered your rooming and board. So all you have to do is to show up and we will get you set up. Please accept this opportunity by showing up at the bus station closest to the Abandon Tunnel. Therefore, we will be looking forwards to your visit.

With best Regards,

Adri Denis

       I stared at the letter for a few minutes before setting it down on the table. My uncle glanced at me, a solemn expression delineate onto his face. I met eye contact with him, staring. This letter. . .felt and looked suspicious. I’ve heard of Saint Vrykolakas Academy before, but I never knew I would ever be invited to go. To be honest, I don’t recall anything that might of got me into this kind of school; I don’t remember ever signing up for anything nor subscribing to anything. An ominous feeling churned inside my stomach as well.

         “Well?” my uncle said. I looked down at the paper and stared at the name. Adri Denis. I have never heard of the name nor seen it. “Are you interested in going?” he asked suddenly.

          “What? You’re sending me away?” I began and he closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. I didn’t feel too confident about the next set of words that would slip out from his mouth. I felt a gush of anxiety tingling at every end of my nerves.

            “No, of course not -- well, in a way, yes.” he finally admitted. Somehow, that answer struck me like an arrow. I was practically raised by my uncle. Without him, I wouldn’t have survived...I wouldn’t have lived to this day. “I think it would be a very good opportunity for you to go out and explore the world. There are so much things that you are still an amateur at. I think going to the academy would help fulfill those dreams of yours you have probably dreamt about when you were young.” he said with a soothing voice.

           “Saint Vrykolakas Academy. . .” my uncle began again, “I believe your great ancestors have went there before. They engraved their names upon the great honor of the school. I think you going there would be commemorate decision for your great ancestors. I think if you went there, it’ll also continue the line haha.” he added, chuckling quietly.

           I glanced at the paper again, hesitating to decide whether it was actually a perfect opportunity for me to go. What my Uncle said was right; I’ve locked myself from the inner world, mainly because of the incident that happened to me when I was young.

           “Are you sure you are willing to set me free?..” I asked reluctantly. The idea of being free wasn’t so bad -- after all, the sense of freedom would allow me to make my own choices, to suddenly become the authority I am to myself. A soft angelic smile appeared on his face. He reached for my hand, the delicacy of his skin touched mine. I blinked.

              “Of course. If your parents were still here, they would probably do the same thing too. Thus, I believe education is important for everyone. Go on Galen, go on with the big dream of yours. Think big and stay positive. And if you ever need me, you know where and how to find me.” he reassured me. I couldn’t help but to shed a few tears upon hearing such words that came out of his mouth. My heart felt a mixture of affection, care, and love. I couldn’t help myself, again, and I jumped out of my chair and gave my Uncle one last big hug.

           “Nngh..” I squeezed my eyes shut. “T-Thank you Uncle. I will.” I tried so hard to hold my tears back, but more rushed out as I held them back. I pulled away from him, wiping my tears away from my eyes. I was going to miss him. He was practically like my father already.

            “Silly boy. Don’t cry. I’ll always be here for you. And if you need me, like I said, you know how and where to find me.” he reassured me one last time. I nodded. “Well, go get what you need and get in that Abandon Tunnel as soon as you can.” he said. I nodded again, heading to my room.

             It was so sudden, but I’ve decided to live in the dorms of Saint Vrykolakas Academy and carry on the line for my great ancestors.

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