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Brittany's P.O.V

Me: The Test Is.... Positive

Niki: *Widening Her Eyes, And Opening Her Mouth*

Me: Speak Please !

Niki: Are You Sure ?!

Me: Im Not Dumb ! Obviously Im Sure !

Niki: Well You Needa Go Home And Tell Ray . Then I'll Take You To Get Checked .

Me: ...Kay

We Drove To My House In Silence . Then We Pulled Up . I Was Scared Asf To Tell Ray Because Hes Made It Very Clear That He Doesn't Wanna Have Kids Yet .

Niki: Ight, You Go In There And Tell Him . We Both Know Hes Not Ready To Have Kids But You HAVE To Stand Up For Yourself In This Situation Cause Sometimes You Just Stop Talking . So Stop, Learn To Be A Bitch Brittany !

Me.... Okay.

Niki: Actually, Imma Go With You . C'mon .

We Walked In To See Ray On The Couch Watching The Game .

Ray: Hey Babe .

Me: Hey ..

Ray: .... Niki

Niki: Ray

Me: Okay, I Have To Tell You Something.... Something Big .

Ray: Ight, Im Listening

Me: Kay.... Can You Just Tell Me You Love Me First ?

Ray: I Love You ???

Me: Ray.... Im Pregnant

Ray: .....

Me: Hello !

Ray: Get Rid Of It

Me: What !

Niki: Tf ?

Ray: Get A Fucking Abortion Brittany! Ion Want Kids Yet !

Me.... Too Damn Bad ! Im Havin This Baby ! Whether Your Here Or Not ! If You Wanna Go You Can Go ! The Door Is Right There !

Niki: You Dead Beat Bastard ! You Weren't Thinking Twice When You Guys Were Fuckin ! Especially If You Weren't Wearing A Condom Dumb Ass !

Ray: Niki Shut The Fuck Up ! Always Runnin Your Mouth !

Me: You Shut Up ! Your Not Runnin Shit In My House !

Niki: Why Dont You Make Me Shut Up ! All These Other Niggas Might Be Scared Of You, But Im Not ! Ill Beat Your Ass !

Ray: Id Like To See You Try.

Me: Ray Shut The Fuck Up !

Ray: You !

Me: Make Me !

Niki: Im Giving You A Warning . If You Stand Up And Get Anywhere Close To Her, Imma Shoot You In Your Dick .

Me: You Know What ! Im Gonna Go Get Checked, When I Get Back You Better Be Gone . Or Im Gonna Have You Removed From MY Damn House .

Ray: Whatever .

Me: C'mon Niki

We Left And Drove To The Clinic.

When We Got In I Saw Tons Of Pregnant Girls With Older Women And Some With Young Guys And Some Alone . Me And Niki Waited For About Ten Minutes When I Heard A Skinny White Lady Call My Name .

Lady: Brittany Thompson

Me: Right Here

Lady: C'mon Sweetie, Follow Me.

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