Star Wars: The Whiskers Within, The Compete Saga ★ Dan & Phil

Start from the beginning

You immediately pull out your blaster and point it at the man, no matter how cute he may be.

"Who are you?!" You demand. "Why did you touch me? Who are your contacts?!" You shout, pointing the blaster closer to his head.

The man simply rolls his eyes and lowers your blaster.

"Listen, if you want to stay alive," he grabs your elbow and whispers in your ear,  "do as I say."

"I will not do as you say!" You struggle to get away from him, but he simply pulls you closer.

"You idiot, listen to me!" The man hisses. He lowers his lips to your ear so the rest of the crowd doesn't hear what he's saying. "Those Stormtroopers chasing you? I know why."

You suspiciously look up at him, hand on your blaster. "Yeah...and why's that?"

"You have the plans," the man smiles.

He has sparkling brown eyes, and brunette hair messily swept across his forehead. He wears a dirty white shirt and black pants tucked into a pair of scuffed boots. His fitted black jacket has zips at the shoulders, pockets, and sides. He wears fingerless gloves on his hands. A tan scarf is wrapped loosely around his neck. A blaster holster is fitted around his waist and one leg.

"I'm your correspondent."

You roll your eyes, mouth slightly agape. "Tell me you're joking."

"Captain Daniel James Howell," the man smirks, which you can't help but find attractive. "What's wrong? More handsome than you expected?"

"Captain?" You scoff, shoving your blaster back into its holster. You try to hide your blush.

"It's my ship that's taking you to the Princess, so, yeah, I'm the captain. Now come on," the man, Captain Daniel James Howell, grabs your hand and glances around the alley. "We need to get out of here."

You open your mouth to say something, but you're interrupt by a loud, robotic, "There she is!"

"Yeah, I know we have to get out of here," you roll your eyes and grab your blaster. "And you don't need to hold my hand!" You yank away from his grip.

Daniel simply smirks and shrugs his shoulders. "Every other girl I've taken across the galaxy likes their hand held."

Jealousy surges through you, but you have no idea why. You've just met this man, and you've developed no relationship whatsoever. You probably never will. He's just here to take you to Princess Leia, not to be your boyfriend.

You start running down the alley, Daniel and the Stormtroopers following.

"Where's your ship?!" You yell at Daniel, who's fallen into place next to you. Your boots pound against the dry pavement, dust flying up in your fast. You quickly pull your faded red scarf over your mouth and nose.

"You know, I never did get your name," Daniel says casually, as if the two of you aren't running for your lives.

You groan in frustration. "Where is your ship?!"

"Round this corner, and—"

The two of you skid to a stop. In front of you is a line of Stormtroopers, blasters aimed and ready.

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