Chapter 3 - At Hells Gate

Depuis le début

"Taker. You must have seen something in this girl. Something that you liked, something that made you think she was what we were looking for. What was it, if not her ability?" asked his friend.

"Truthfully? I don't know. I saw something, I saw a...a spark. I thought we could work great together...till you and Vince told us she was to be trained by me. Call it a personality clash." He shrugged. Hunter rolled his eyes.

"You really riled her up yesterday. She was ready to up sticks there and then." Hunter said. "You and I both know we can't let her walk."

"Well, I'll have to figure out something." Undertaker said. "Or I'll throttle her with my bare hands."

All morning, Undertaker went through the rehearsals, unsure what to do or say that would make things better. It wasn't till lunch that he overheard Lexie, and had an idea.

They were sat, like many superstars, at tables in catering. Friendly greetings were exchanged between most of the roster, and Lexie responded to each one as they came and said hi, having not introduced themselves yet, or simply saying hello. He sat apart from everyone, preferring like Randy Orton to people watch as he ate. The Viper gave him a curt nod in passing, before heading to a table on his own.

"Yo, Punk, where's the nearest McDonalds? I could murder a chocolate milkshake." She asked as they ate.

"Not a damn clue. Taker might know," Punk said.

"I'm not asking him." She said quickly, mumbling something Taker couldn't quite hear. He smiled inwardly. This was his way in to that armor, this was his way past the cold shoulder he was getting.

"Alright, fair enough. How about you show me what you can do? After lunch that is." Punk said with a smile.

"You're on, Punk." Lexie returned with a grin. Taker realized there and then what he'd seen in her. The love of the challenge. The knowledge that even facing someone who could win, she'd give her best, hell, give her all, just for the slim taste of victory. He had his chance. Now he had to make it work.

"So, what's this you and Taker didn't get off to a good start?" asked Punk as they walked to the rings.

"Well, having your idol turn out to be a massive asshole would do that to you," Lexie replied as they went past the backstage curtain. Punk laughed as they came out on to the stage, and the pair walked down the walkway.

"I'm sure he's not that bad, once you get to know how he works. The Undertaker's a mystery to everyone, Lex. Hell, Kane doesn't even know exactly how he works, neither does Triple H, and they've been working together for ages." Punk replied, walking up the steps and in to the ring, as Lexie followed.

"Mystery or not...I don't want to work with him." Lexie said, as they began to warm up.

"I can see that," Punk said, stretching. "But why does he dislike you so much then?"

"I don't think he even knows, Punk. Hell, I'd give anything to be back in the indies right now." Punk paused and looked at her surprised as she stretched her arms.

"You don't mean that surely?" he asked.

"Well ok, maybe not quite. Just anything not to be working with him." She replied. There was silence between the two as they finished warming up, and began to fight.

They practiced together for nearly an hour, Punk throwing pointers here and there as he countered her moves. Lexie listened to him, after all, compared to her, he was a veteran of the ring. Everything he said, she took on board. Every compliment he gave her on her ring work, she stored away to think about later. As Punk pinned her, and she kicked out, a voice called out.

The Undertaker's ApprenticeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant