Chapter 9

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  • Dedicated to Aisha

Chapter 9

 dedicated to my little sister Aisha...Happy B-day >.<

Hey Guys C:

I met this guy yesterday and he was hitting on me so my friends Caesar pretended to be gay to scare him off >.< haha it was hilarious :)

Anyways onto the book.......

Hey do you guys read my authors notes anyways?


Samantha's P.O.V

I slipped on a pair of sweat pants and a tank top, but I covered it with a baggy shirt from my luggage. Even if everyone told me I was skinny now, I know they were just being nice. I slipped on a pair of tennies and hurried down the staircase.

I walked outside and found everyone waiting for me. WTF!! I thought I was only going to have one lesson at a time. Only Christian, Jason, and Jayden are suppose to be outside. I narrowed my eyes at them as they all smiled.

“We figured that instead of learning one lesson at a time, you could instead learn every skill at the same time and just sharpen them everyday as we progress.”,Jason said

Gah! I think they are trying to work me to death! I sighed. Better get on with since we don't have all day. You know what the worst part is? I can't even complain because they are being nice enough to even train me in the first place. I resisted the urge to sulk and walked toward everyone.

I first started practicing with Sarah and Monica. They had set up balance beams all over the yard, but they were really far off the ground. The only reassuring thing about the balance beams was that they had placed mats on the ground. I had to walk across one balance beam and jump onto the other one without falling. I fell the first 5 times. I want to kill Monica and Sarah! I have bruises all over my back from when I fell. I know I sound like a baby, but come one it hurts falling from such a high distance!

After 30 more minutes I finally got the hang of it. I could even do it in high heels! Tomorrow I was going to practice in stilettos and then barefoot. Hey I had to be prepared for every scenario...right?

“Good Job Sam. You mastered that really quickly.”, Jayden stated as he walked past.

I felt my heart flutter at his praise.

“You should have seen her face Alpha. If looks could kill Sarah and I would be dead”, Monica said with a smirk. I just glared at her. It was all her fault. All of a sudden I was tackled from behind.

WTF!!! I rolled over onto my stomach and looked up at Jayden.

“Why the heck did you tackle me Christian”.

“Your next lesson is fighting. So get you lazy, but up.”

I smirked as I stood up. 5 days ago if someone had tackled me, I wouldn't have said anything, but now I do. Wow I am changing. I stood facing Christian. We circled each other before I jumped to attack him. He saw me coming a quickly side stepped me. I kept trying to tackle him and each time he would just side step me. I growled. This was so frustrating. This time when I went to tackle him I feighted to the right, but actually went left. YES!!!!!! I finally tackled him. I jumped up and started doing my victory dance. My dance consisted of shaking my butt, doing pelvic thrust, and then the cabbage patch. Yeah I know that my dance is weird, but so what.. In the middle of the dance someone kicked my knee, causing it to buckle. Oh my flippin jebusness. I stood up and growled at the person who kicked me.

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