Chapter 3: He likes me?

Start from the beginning

I told him what Ian told me a while ago. He could care less if I ordered a big carton box for the party to be in!

"I don't care about this either but I have to make this like I really want it. I have to make everyone think I am happy."

Kyle holds my hand and kisses it. "I wish I can do something about it. But I am useless in this situation."
Kyle has been acting like him I think. After we kissed, it feels good to have him around. I know it is not a good though.

"Well, let me do this then. Anything else you need?"

I smile, "no."

I know I maybe acting like Ian. I am "cheating", but I am not sleeping around like him. It doesn't make it worse, right?

Later that day:

Richard is sitting in his desk, signing some papers. I am just waiting for him to finish. I look around his office, nothing but shelves of big fat books of law, and the small table next to his desk.

"Okay, I am finish. Come and sit Alexandra," Richard says. I sit down and ask if I did something wrong. "No, I am just wondering how are you and how is it going with my son."

I sigh, "Well, we haven't killed each other so, I guess well."

"I thought Ian was trying to be nice to you. I ask for him to make an effort."

"Well, whatever, I am doing my job, my part of the contract." I reply.

Richard stands and walks next to me. He leans against his desk and crosses his arms. "I also been inform that you aren't making an effort as well. Ian told me you are being a brat, and well like he said annoying."

"I am not a brat!" I exclaim.

Richard leans to me, he places his hands on the chair. "Alexandra, you are young, naïve, and not as mature as I thought. You have to change my opinion as well as Ian's."

"You can't force two people to love each other! And I don't need to proof myself to anyone, besides, Ian hates me. He doesn't even want me in his bed." I say.

"Trust me, he does," Richard says, "he just doesn't know how to show his feelings to a woman. He is really interesting in you."

Is he really right? I mean, Ian did kiss me, but I don't think so. Wait, who cares! I don't even like Ian! Besides, I am a bit afraid of him after what happened. He hasn't apologized either.

Richard gets my hand and stands me up. "How about we show Ian what he is missing? Let me help you Alexandra." he smirks. I see where Ian get his looks from.

"If I don't accept your help?" I ask.

He chuckles, "Well," his hands travel to my back, "I guess you just have to disappear along with your family."

I have him so close to me that I feel his breath on me. "Be a good girl Alex, and no one gets hurt. Got it?" he asks.

I gulp my nervousness and say yes. He touches my cheek, "Good, well that was all I wanted to talk about. You can leave now." Richard sits back down and his bodyguard opens the door.

I walk away and go to Ian's office. I don't want to get Richard upset anymore. My brain is telling me to swallow my pride and talk to Ian. Make a plan and make the five years go faster.

"We have to talk," I walk in Ian's office.

"What the hell? Don't you knock first?" he exclaims.

I go back to the door and knock, "There, we have to talk."

He stands and walks out of the office. "Hello? I said we have to talk!" I yell as I walk behind him. He opens a door and before he can close it, I stop the door. I jump in the room and cross my arms. "I am not going anywhere until we talk."

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