dangerous chapter seven

540 35 15

|The Best Breakfast|


    I woke up. Slowly opening my eyes, all around was blurry. I rubbed my eyes, and yawning lazily.


"Holy shit!" I almost jumped when I heard someone greeted me. She was simply kneeling in front of me, smiling. Good lord. Napaupo ako at gulat na gulat. Holding my chest and trying to calm down, "R-rose?!" I shockingly asked.

Okay, calm down, dumb ass. I told to myself.

She nodded with a funny gestures on her face.

Yeah I know, this was completely embarrassing.

She nodded at me almost laughing.


She bit her lip, "I said good morning," she rolled her eyes.

Did she just roll her eyes? From all those days she didn't even doing that. And I can say, it's extremely adorable.

She stood up,  "c'mon! yaya Jean and Amy's waiting for you downstairs." She softly said. I sat up. She's waring a black ripped shorts that makes her legs exposed, and a simple white V-cut shirt that fitted her sexy body.


One thing I noticed, she didn't even woke me up. So, does it mean if I didn't woke up she's just going to stare at me all the time?

How long is she staring at me?

Oh, god. I'm so assuming.

I wasn't feel nervous or STUPID around girls. EXCEPT her. I was a good looking man, wasn't I? I also have 12 cars to ride, and a CEO a company. Kaya sa tingin ko ay hindi ko na kailangan ng atensyon ng mga babae. Dahil sila ang kumukuha ng atensyon ko. Pero si Rose. She made everything different. She made everything with a thrill. I really want her attention more than she wants mine. All of her movements, the way she brush her hair, the way she talk, and the way she curved her lips while smiling, making you completely mesmerized. I wanted her. I wanted all of her so bad.

Before I realized I was stupidly staring at her. Completely stunned.

She tapped my shoulder, "pst? Henry?"

Crap. Shit.

Shit again.

I raised my eyebrows, blinking for several times, and waking myself up, "u-uh? Y-yeah?"

Crap. I didn't hear all what she's saying, "I-im sorry. Are you saying something?"

She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow, "Seriously?"

I chuckled, she's so adorable.

"I'm serious." I said grinning at her.

"I said..." She get my wrist pulling it up, "get up there! The food is waiting." She said. I wonder how she can I talk like that without raising her voice. It's still calm and soft. She still not letting go of my hand. It feels good. Really.

I lazily got up, "What's the breakfast?," I put my one hand in my pocket, and lazily rub my hair, "coz I really feel like eating, you."

Oh,crap. Did I just said that?

Thank God I was yawning when I said that. That's why she didn't clearly heard me, because if she did, I was a complete idiot and dumb as hell. Which is I already was. Since I met her.

Dangerous RoseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon