Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I AM SO SORRY! I haven't uploaded in absolutely ages! But I have a reason!

Well. I had the next few chapters on my iPod and guess what? My bro went and deleted them ALL! So I had to rewrite everything! Argh!

So so so sorry! Enjoy!


I was sitting there in my living room, with Emma's iPad in my lap, a cup of coffee in my hand, a blanket draped over me.

Sighing, I tapped the Temple Run app again. I was determined to beat Emma's high score. But it just wasn't happening for me.

After I died again, I put the iPad down and reviewed the events of last week in my mind.

It had been two days since the almost-kiss.

My heart raced whenever I saw him around the area. Him and the boys were back at his house, but Emma was staying at mine for a few days. I was glad of the company.

"Heyy," Emma smiled, walking in with a cup of coffee.

"Hiya, Em," I sighed.

"Tired?" she asked.

"Hugely," I replied honestly.

Her eyes strayed to the discarded iPad by the cushions. She bent over and picked it up.

"There's a message from Tom," she informed me. "It says - coming round now. Get the kettle on!"

I frowned. "And when was this sent?"

"Er-" she paused as she saw the time. "Ten minutes ago?"

I jumped up. "Right, I'll get changed, you put the kettle on."

Her lips curved into a smile and she saluted. "Yes, ma'am."

I ran upstairs and pulled on my skinny jeans and my favourite floaty yellow top with a flower on the shoulder strap. Tom loved that top.

What was wrong with me? We'd kissed, hell yeah, but did that mean we were together? Did he want to be together? I needed some answers to the blinding questions in my confused head.

I glanced at the clock and seeing that I had only roughly five minutes, I slipped on my yellow pumps and ran a brush through my blonde hair.


I stood outside the door as Tom's car pulled up. It was snowing lightly once more, even though the sun shone through a gap in the clouds. I wondered what it would be like, up in the clouds, no cares or worries, just you and the breeze -

"Hi Poppy," Tom said, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Er- hi Tom," I replied brightly, taking his coat. "Em's got tea inside. In you go, shoo."

Tom smiled and walked inside, his beautiful blue eyes getting further and further away from me with each step. I yearned to hold him close, I yearned for him to be mine to hold forever. Pffft. Fat chance.

I walked in, sighing, and hung Tom's coat on the hook on the back of the door. My smile brightened as Timber ran past me. I never even noticed she was in here. I bounded into the kitchen.

Tom was sitting there, holding his cup of tea. He smiled as I came in happily.

"Hi Poppy," he smiled.

"Hiya, Tom," I laughed. "But I swear we already went through that stage of the procedures."

"Oh, yeah," he laughed. "We did."

Emma smiled at the two of us. "I'm gonna go change," she said, indicating to her dressing gown and pjs.

"Ok," I replied, knowing she wanted us to have some time alone. She winked and went to get changed.

"Poppy," Tom said to me, making me look away from where Emma had gone through the door.

"Yes?" I smiled.

"I just wanted to let you know that - well - I love you," he whispered.

"Huh?" I said.

"I said-"

"I heard what you said, it's just - why would anyone love me? Especially a celebrity. I mean," I said, turning round in a circle, "I'm just Poppy Montgomery."

"And I love everything about you," he smiled and leaned over to kiss me.

It was a perfect kiss - not a big snog, but a light kiss. It only lasted for about 10 seconds, but they were the best 10 seconds of my life so far.

"Poppy Montgomery," Tom said. "Will you have the honour of becoming my girlfriend?"

I smiled and hugged him tightly.

My answer was a simple, "yes."

Picking the Poppies {on hold}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ