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//Everything is Temporary//

"Hyung I really hate being single" Jungkook said sounding pissed. "Omg Jeon Jungkook.... It's not that hard, FOR YOU it's so easy!! A lot of girls have fallen for you. You can ask out the one that you like." Namjoon said sounding a bit jealous.

Matter of fact, I'm bisexual so is Namjoon. We both know about each other being bisexual.

Hah one thing I know about Namjoon is that he has a crush on a boy named Kim Seokjin.

He had a crush on him ever since middle school. I don't really know about him but I'm pretty sure Namjoon does.

Me and Namjoon are Seniors in High school. We are pretty popular.
The girls are always drooling over us. I never dated any of them. YES I AM A VIRGIN. SO IS NAMJOON!!


Well shit, today was Monday not my favorite day. I have to go to school which is fine with me. I mean girls waiting for me at the door is totally weird and creepy but at least I have something to start with.

Oh hah the girls do not know I'm bi, so that's funny... "OMG JUNGKOOK OPPA IS COMING!!" "OMLLLLLL HES SOO HOT !!" I hear a girl named Tiffany say. I know her because she has a huge crush on me, she confessed last year. I didn't accept.

I sound mean but I don't like her at all. Embrace yourself Jungkook.

I tried pushing the girls out of my way. OH MY GOD did Tiffany just slap my bottom?!! I look back and give Tiffany a 'Bitch don't touch me' face.

She smirked and went with her crowd somewhere else. I walk in the halls to my classroom. I usually sleep in there in tell the bell rings for class.
> 30 Minutes Later <
> Bell Rings <
I wake up to the bell ringing and I get my textbook out and a pencil.
My friends come in wave at me. They go to their seats and my friend Namjoon sits behind me.

"Sup Kook" "Hey Joon"

"ALRIGHT CLASS. Before we get started! We have a new student with us. His name is- oh wait you know what he should introduce himself.

"Please come out Taehyung!" She yelled. He came in and-
w-wow he's actually really cute.

"Hello my name is Kim Taehyung, call me Taehyung. i hope we can get along well." He said with a boxy smile.

He's really cute...

"OK Taehyung can you please take a seaaat~"
"OH pleas take a seat by Jungkook"

I widened my eyes and looked at Taehyung. I raised my hand and he walked towards me sitting on the left side. (A/N: so he's right next to the window) I didn't bother to say anything to him and just paid attention to the teacher.

She gave us little time to get out our textbooks but I waited. I looked at Taehyung and he looked at me.

"J-Jungkook right?" He said innocently. I looked at him "Yes it's Jungkook, what do you want?" I said kinda surprised, because I said it rudely. "U-uh n-nothing really...I just wanted to ask I-if you wanted t-to be f-friends..."
I looked at him and just scoffed looking away.
"No I don't want to be your friend"
"But wh-" he got cut by the teacher.

> 1 hr Later <
> End of Class <
It was the end of class. Finally time to go home. I got my bag and went out the door.

I was walking out the gate there was rocks beside it.

Suddenly I felt a little tap on my shoulder I look back and see Taehyung. He saw me and took a little step back.

"I wanted to ask why don't you wanna be friends... I'm new and wanted to be friends with somebody"
He said while pouting.

"I said no. I don't want too." I said sounded pissed.

He lifted his hand "But w-" I grabbed his wrist. He winced at the pain and widened his eyes at me.

"W-what a-are you-" I cut him off by yanking him really hard on the rocks.

I just noticed those rocks were sharp and look very rough.

"Ahh!" I noticed he had a cut on his fingers and cheek.

"I told you I DON'T WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOU!" I yelled.

He kinda flinched at my yelling. I saw a tear go down his cheek.

I felt so bad. Ugh I feel like a bitch for doing that! Why did I even do that!!???

I just walked away from him not even helping him up.
Word count: 847
YOOOOOO !! I'm back lol I just started the first chapter and I wanted to update tonight XD I know I said tomorrow but I like this chapter.
Bye Byeeee mah babies

lol I sound like a mad mom XD SORRY

-mom 👾

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