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HEY! Finally I posted a new one! lmao took me forever to upload cause...uh I got absentmindedly sidetracked from...well nothing!? lol so sad yes I am. Anyway, this is something I decided to write inspired by something Craig's daddy said in Friday The Movie. lmfao if you can guess what the quote was you'll be awesome! Shit if you can tell me Craig's dad's name you'd be more awesome than me cause I forgot XD


Giving up after losing in my opinion is quite STUPID, I must say simply.

Especially in a fight, whether it be physically, vocally, mentally or even spiritually.

Failing isn't worth being derided for if you don't fall with pride.

No matter what the outcome is the first time it is never irrevocable,

unless you allow it to remain that way.

You may sometimes achieve great success and appreciate it dearly.

And you will definitely experience loss and learn from it immediately.

But with those aside you live to fight another day.

You continue life in attempts to be worth something to the world.

Harboring ignorant traits only leads to becoming useless space.

Not to sound truculent but if you fall under that category,

It inevitable that I will fix it, and I will mend it correctly with hard ironed fists.

If you wish for death after failing then once again I shall point out that THAT is much too facile.

One should not fear death for the mere reason of disappearing from existence.

I assure you that if you grok at the absolute beauty and meaning of life itself,

then your biggest fear would be attaining an inadequate life...

Don't you agree?


Well that was it, yeah as usual it was short, too much brain power for 10pm. lol

Hope you liked it! DONT FORGET

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