36 3 0

"kneel or bleed"

// ONE //
vote and comment on the character you want to talk to.

// TWO //
we usually don't PM first.

// THREE //
please state who you want to talk to.

// FOUR //
i put an amount of effort with replying in full detail and long enough, so reply in literate form.

// FIVE //
respect everyone.

// SIX //
cheating and killing is not allowed.

// SEVEN //
if i do not reply within 3 days, please send me a "." or "*".

// EIGHT //
if i still did not reply after 3 ".", i am not interested in roleplaying anymore. DON'T SEND 3 DOTS IN LIKE A DAY, I MIGHT GIVE ATTENTION TO THE DOTTED CONVOS WITHIN 3 DAYS, IF NOT SEND ANOTHER ONE.

// NINE //
no replies for 4 days without a reason will no longer be associated with the character.

// TEN //
don't spam (ooa).

// ELEVEN //
have fun!

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