Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

(Ella's POV)

I walked into the tent with Ellie as we laughed. We just spent our time hunting, and we brought back a few pigeons and a squirrel.

"You really need to work on your shooting skills," she laughed as she tried to act out the way I shot the bow and arrow.

"Hey! I just started!" I pushed her arm gently and we noticed Logan was napping. "What a bum."

"I know, right? Do you want to go get a snack or something?" Ellie asked me, pointing with her thumb to the direction of the mess hall behind her.

"Yeah, sure. First, let's get Logan to wake up," I suggested, and Ellie nodded. I knelt down beside him and tried shaking him, but he only turned over. It took at least seventeen different maneuvers for us to finally get Logan up, but it was definitely worth it. Logan is good company, even if Ellie will always state otherwise. After all, she's allowed to say it. They are practically best of friends.

"Do you know where Harry is?" Logan asked, his eyes opening a little more than the size they were when we awoke him. He is more of a morning person that all of us combined, but I guess that's what makes him 'special'. My mother always used to say that. Everyone is special, Ella. I guess I never really believed her or applied it to my life until now.

"Haven't seen him all day," Ellie replied, and I shrugged to say that I haven't seen him all day either and an apology. I think Logan is happy to finally have a male friend in the tent. We made our way to the mess hall. Logan got a small bag of assorted nuts and Ellie did the same. I've never been one to like them, so I got a small apple instead. As we walked back to the tent, I took a large bite out of it. The sweet fruit filled my mouth and I chewed carefully. I haven't eaten anything so sweet since...well, since I was home.

"Ella, we need you," Harry whispered in my ear. I didn't even realize he had been walking behind me. I jumped slightly, but followed him, and waved goodbye to Ellie and Logan at the same time. I followed him into the largest tent in the whole camp. It was obviously something important going on in there. My suspicions were proven right as I realized that there were men gathered all around the table...except for one female. She had her hair slicked back perfectly, her jet black hair contrasting her pale skin. She was fit, tall, and surprisingly very beautiful.

"Ella, we need your input," Cedric sighed, trying his best to force a smile. I think they all realize I'm practically a child. I'm not old enough to be making any decisions. The tall woman walked over to me and examined me before being introduced. "This is Olivia."

"Listen, kid. Aislinn needs to be taken down one way or another. You understand that, right?" Olivia spoke to me as if I were a child. I'm not that young, Olivia. I just nodded, a gesture that I understood completely the situation at hand. "Maybe you're Charisma, maybe you're not. Bottom line is that you need to be the deciding factor. We need to go to war."

"All of us? When? Do we have the supplies? Or people?" I asked, frightened. War? What if Aislinn and her demons just kill us off and then there's no hope left whatsoever?

"Well, all of us and more. There are other camps larger than this one all across the country. We have sent messages already. They've all agreed. They're waiting on you, but we need to decide as soon as possible so we can get a move on. It's a long way from here," Cedric explained.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked, not sure how many places left on the planet there were for us to have a large battle such as this one.

"The Atlantic Ocean...or what's left of it. All the water is gone and all that's left is bare rock. It's like a deep chasm...but it'll work just fine," Olivia stated. The Atlantic Ocean. I think I read about it before. It's huge! Maybe that does make it perfect for battle.

"We better start training, then," I smirked. "We're going to war."


whoa this is intense! please vote and comment! thanks :)



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