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so last chapter didn't really fit in, it was kind of a flashback fun scene??? so here's the continuation of the andrea having anorexia thing


"lacey? what are you doing here?"

"well, you happen to be my older sister and i love you a lot, so here i am."

"you didn't have to come, lace."

"yes i did! we're sisters, andrea, we're supposed to take care of each other."

"i'm supposed to take care of you and venus, i'm older."

"it doesn't matter if you're older, we take care of each other. we promised that we would take care of each other when dad split. you promised us, me and vee, and we promised you."

"i know-"

"so why didn't you tell us? we would have gotten you help and stuff. we love you, andrea. you don't have to be ashamed of this, whatever the hell this is. you told us you were getting better, that you felt okay again. you lied to us."

"anorexia doesn't work that way, lacey. it doesn't go away, it'll always be in the back of my head. i might never stop counting calories, and that's just something i'll have to live with."

"i just don't understand how you got into this in the first place. you're so beautiful, why would you feel the need to do this?"

"i didn't just wake up one day thinking, 'hey, i'm gonna stop eating,' it happened gradually. i stopped eating lunch, then i only ate breakfast if other people were around. i skipped more and more meals, and then i couldn't bring myself to eat and get back to being healthy."

"i know, okay? i researched and i asked mom about how it was for her when she was young. i'm sorry for not seeing this coming."

"it's okay, lacey. but i'm going to get help."


"yeah. i signed myself up for ninety days of treatment at an anorexia treatment center. i want to get better, i want to feel alive again. i might sign up for more, depending on how far i get, but i will try. i will actually try this time, i promise."

"good, because you're so loved and beautiful, the only one who doesn't see that is you."

"thank you."

"for what?"

"for being here."

"no problem, we will always take care of each other. we are, as mom always say, the sunshine sisters."

"shut up and go get me some water."

"yes ma'am."

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