Chapter 10

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Jimin woke up with a pounding headache. As soon as he opened his eyes, he squeezed them shut, groaning at the sudden light hitting him. The curtains in his room were always closed, why was the daylight bothering him now of all times?

He waited a few moments before his eyes shot open again, processing the situation. That wasn't his ceiling. He looked at the blanket he was snuggled up in and it wasn't his either. He sat up quickly, immediately regretting the action when he felt the pounding in his head intensify. Looking around, he didn't recognize anything in the room. It was definitely someone's dorm room though, considering the small desk in the corner with books piled on top of it.

"No, no, no, where am I?" Jimin tried to recall last nights events. One second, he was talking to Yoongi, the next he was looking for Jungkook and Taehyung. From what he could remember, he couldn't find them and somehow ended up drinking another drink. Everything after that was obscure.

"Fuck, don't tell me I slept with someone?" Jimin panicked, his eyes widening since he was in fact still a virgin, or possibly, was a virgin. He started to move around though, not feeling any pain. He examined his skin, no hickeys, marks or scratches. He sighed in relief, calming down a bit. But that still didn't answer his question. He spotted his phone on the side table drawer and grabbed it, ignoring the notifications and checking the time– one in the afternoon.

"Shit." He kicked off the blanket and swung his feet over to the floor. That's when he noticed that the pants he was wearing were not his. His head snapped up to see his leather pants folded at the end of the bed. Someone had undressed him– and he was quite thankful. He couldn't imagine what it would feel like to have slept in those.

Jimin stood up, rubbing his temples before taking his pants and tiptoeing to the door, opening it just a bit to peek through. He couldn't see anybody, so he let himself out, closing the bedroom door behind him and walking through the dorm, trying to make his escape.

He didn't make it very far, a head popping up from the couch next to him.

He screamed, extremely startled to see him of all people.

Min Yoongi.

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, a puzzled expression taking over his features.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned.

Jimin just stood there, shocked, mouth agape and wide eyed.

"So you found out where I live now? Don't you think breaking in is taking it a bit too far?" Yoongi shook his head. "Are you obsessed or what?"

"What? No!" Jimin countered, shaking his head, freaking out even more and hugging his pants and phone to his chest. "No, this is a misunderstanding, I don't know how I got here– I had no idea, I swear! I don't remember anything, I–"

"Relax." Yoongi laughed. "I know. I was just messing with you."

Jimin deadpanned.

The two were both quiet for a moment.

"What?" Jimin spoke up.

"Hoseok found you passed out on one of the couches in the dormitory lobby. He brought you up here since he doesn't know your dorm number. I was asleep so I didn't find out till this morning, and that was his room you woke up in." He explained, waiting for a response from Jimin who was stayed silent.

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