Chapter 1

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What will you do if the person you love the most already has someone they love who also love them back?

Would you still play the game when you know you're going to lose in the end?

Would you do everything just to have her all to yourself? Even if it takes someone's trust? 

Would you? Because, I would.


"I got a wild heart.. Thank you and have a good evening everyone!" I said as we went to our dressing room to prepare and went to our next tour. 

"Hey! wanna go clubbin' before we head out tonight?" James asked. Connor and Tris agreed but I didn't. What's the point anyway? We party tonight, have fun and what next? Drowziness and Hang over. That's messed up.

"I think I'll pass." I said and they all sighed.

"you always pass Brad. Since the day when El-" Connor suddenly covered Tristan's mouth. I know what he was about to say and that's the truth.

Ever since Ellie and I ended our pretend act, I became this "no fun" guy from the vamps. I always sleep right after every meet and greet, concerts and interviews. I seldom talk to fans who would come to our autograph signing. I avoid fans who would want to have a picture with me. I would let James, Connor and Tristan do the autograph signings as I sneakily went back to our car. I'm just tired and lifeless without Ellie. I really loved her.

"Live a little Brad. Have fun. There are a lot of girls out there." James tried to cheer me up but it didn't work.

"But Ellie was one of a kind. No girl will ever replace her." I said. He tapped my back and stood up.

"But you'll have to move on. She's will Elyar man. She loves him so much. He also Loves Ellie so much as well." James said.

"I understand that. I just don't want to accept that." I said and they all smiled at me.

"Well, we're always here to cheer you up. We'll be out clubbin' tonight. I'll text you the place. Just incase you change your mind." Connor said. I smiled at them as they changed their clothes and went out of the dressing room. I changed mine and went to our hotel room and rested.


My phone rang when I was about to sleep. When I checked it, it was her annoying best friend, Macy.

"What do you want?" I asked her. 

Besides the boys, she also knows about what I'm going through right now. I only pretend to be happy and alright when Elyar or Ellie is around. 

"well, I saw Connor, James and Tristan here in the Club. Where are you? You're missing the fun." She said.

"I'm currently on my bed, about to sleep when all of a sudden, a monster called. and I don't like it." I said and she just laughed.

"You should come here. I'm with Ellie-" She said. I jumped and went to grab anything to wear. 

"and Elyar." She finished. I threw the clothes I found and went to bed again. Why are they always together? During Elyar's concert, Ellie's book signing, Elyar's Interview... EVERYTHING! It annoys the hell out of me.

"yup. I'll definitely pass." I said and she sighed.

"you know there are a lot of girls out there who would love you. Who knows? Maybe she's just in front of you, you just don't see her? you know?" She said and I sighed.

"look. The James and I already talked  about this and I told him that Ellie's one of a kind and no one will ever replace her. Even if it hurts. Have a good night." I said as I ended our conversation and turned my Iphone off.

She's being unreasonable. There maybe a lot of girls but all they wanted is to be the girlfriend of Bradley Will Simpson of THE VAMPS. If I weren't in this band, would they even notice me? Would they even talk to me? Well, I think not because all they care about is the name and reputation and Ellie isn't like that. She works hard for everything without the help of Elyar's or mine's fame. She's one of a kind. She's my kind of girl, but then Elyar has her. If only I knew her first.

If only.

Chapter one guys! I hope you like it! 

By the way, I'm a new fan of The Vamps and if I wrote anything wrong about them, I'm sorry! Correct me if I'm wrong. I won't mind. :) Have a nice day!

Next Update: Tomorrow!

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