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Hewwo! Ish me your kitty Taehyunggie!

This chapter will mostly be just for chu to get to know meh!

I ish a hybrid, I'm half kitty!

Pweez treat me nicely!


I ish vewy shy at first!

I need constant attention~

I wuv hugs, cuddles, snuggles, and anything you can give me

I'm tend to clingy sometimes..

If i'm acting up just tell meh no!


Sometimes I have these things called Heats..

Whenever I have a Heat you'll know because I'll act different than I usually am..

I might suddenly be angry, horny, super happy, sad, really lovey, etc...

Just remember I can't help it or control when I have them!


I really love being rubbed behind my ears!

Be careful though, my tail ish really sensitive!

If you touch it I might bite chu!


okae I think that ish all!

bai bai!~

Kitty TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now