[68th day]

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Merry Christmas to every single one of you! I hope Santa was nice this year and left a bunch of gifts...or that special gift you were waiting for. Much love, xo.   -Chantal. 


[Day 68]

I can't eat. 

Heck! I don't want to eat! Niall has made it his mission to bring food from literally every single bloody restaurant and fast-food place around the area. I am thankful, I know he cares about me too much to stop, but I can't accept any of it. I never have an appetite anymore...I'm never craving food, it disgusts me to be honest. 

I tried to be discreet, tried to hide it as much as I could, but I'm skin and bones right now, and people began to noticed, the fans are worried and I'm just falling apart. This is not me. I've been feeling dizzy and blacking out suddenly...it only happened twice, though, but people are still treating me like a baby, and I hate it...fucking despise it!  I'm totally fine, really...I guess I just need food, but I'm certainly not hungry.


Hope you guys like this chapter! Can I get 8+ votes, please? Remember to leave feedback x

I also wanted to thank all of you who are still reading this, you guys are the absolute best, and I LOVE YOU DEARLY! Much love xx (here, have a cookie...or two).

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