Chapter Twelve

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  • Dedicated to My butthole :)

He kissed me .

This kiss was short and sweet , it was very passionate. I felt everything , and my anger for him went away .

"I'm really sorry , I promise I will never leave you again . " He said when the kiss ended . I nodded, I shouldn't trust him but I can't stop myself he's too perfect .

"I forgive you," I couldn't help but blush . His smile grew so wide and he gave me the biggest hug.

"Awwww," I heard Tyler say from his seat . I couldn't help but laugh. I totally forgot he was there and he looked happy to see us together .

The bell soon rang and we left the cafeteria , Tyler and I were going to our sixth period English and Hayes was going to his class .

"See you later , " Hayes said and gave me a little hug with a kiss on the cheek. I blushed a little and waved bye as we went our different ways .

"Do you like Hayes ? " Tyler asked me. I looked up at him and blushed a little .

"Is it that obvious ? " I asked and put my head down. I know we kissed but it doesn't mean I like him. he kissed me. Everyone probably knows I like him . That's embarrassing . Tyler nodded and we went to his locker then mine .

"DANIELLE!" I heard a high pitch voice call. I turned my head to see Lauren , what does this slut want now? Sucks because I have her in my English.

" I was wondering if you wanted to hang out on Saturday ?" She asked and flipped her blonde hair. I don't know if what I did was nice or rude but I started laughing . and that caused Tyler to start laughing. Did she really want to hang out with me ? I don't like her and she doesn't like me. I find this funny because if Hayes never kissed me then she wouldn't want to hang out with me.

Lauren just glared at Tyler and I. She soon ran into the class and we walked behind her.

"Are you going to hang out with her on Saturday ?" Tyler asked. He might be good looking but he really needs work on his brains.

"No , that's why I was laughing. Why were you?" This boy is so dumb.

"I was laughing because your laugh is so contagious, " I rolled my eyes. Is that true?

We walked into the classroom and sat in the back next to the windows. I hate English. It's so boring and I can never write the amount she wants on a paper.


The bell rang and everyone ran into the classroom looking for a seat. This class consisted of about 20 people, and it was a honors class. Almost all the seats were filled and in came my teacher, Ms. Jones .

"Welcome back from your break, I hope you guys had a wonderful time. So first I'm going to call attendance so take a seat everyone. " She said with a huge smile on her face. It was creepy to be honest .

She was taking attendance when she saw Tyler's name .

"Tyler ? who's Tyler?!" She asked and looked around the class.

"That's me. I'm Tyler " he said and raised his hand.

"Ohhh yeah, you're the new student!" her eyes got wide like a light bulb went off in her head.

"Well class say hello to Tyler, " Ms. Jones said. There were small hellos and heys going around the class .

"Why don't you share something about yourself." I turned to Tyler to see he was a little nervous and I couldn't help but make a little giggle. Tyler rolled his eyes and started speaking.

"My name is Tyler and I moved from California and My dad is Canadian."

"CANADA !" screamed one of the class clowns . Everyone started to laugh and soon class was over .

To tell the truth this was a great way to end break and start school again. Today was actually a great day.

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