(10) The dream

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That night as I turned in the four poster bed with rich red curtains I wasn't sleeping easy.
I was vaguely aware from the misty fog that appeared in the edges of my vision that this wasn't reality. I was stood in a place I hadn't seen before, hiding behind a pillar. It was a grand hall with pillars dotted around the central area, steps leading down into an almost plaza. As I peered round the corner I saw a young boy. Harry. He was standing in the centre in front of a beautiful, tall mirror with a golden frame. I frowned and called out to him. He turned to look at me and smiled languidly before his eyes widened with fright.
"MADDI!" He called. I spun around to see what had made him so frightened and I saw a misty figure approaching. I heard a screeching noise before it went through me, like a ghost. Instead of the feeling of being dipped in cold water, as you normally felt when one of the Hogwarts ghosts floated through you, I felt as though my chest was being ripped apart. I screamed in anguish and managed to turn towards Harry, hoping he was okay but he just stood there in shock.

Suddenly the strange room tilted and everything went black. I heard a ghostly whisper,

"Maddison... So powerful... Come to me child..." the eerie snake like voice bounced around my skull and I winced.

Suddenly I awoke and was greeted by the darkness. I stumbled out of bed to get a glass of water from the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face and then walked back to my bed. Before I could get back I tripped over a chest in the middle of the room and fell, making a loud noise. I gripped my shin tightly  and heard a groan from Alicia's bed and suddenly a pillow collided with my face. I chuckled to myself as I picked up the pillow, putting it gently back on Alicia's bed, trying to lessen my heart rate. I clambered back into my own bed, laying there for what felt like hours the eerie words still hovering at the back of my mind and sleep evading me.

*. *. *.

I hadn't told the twins, Angelina or Alicia about the dream. Alicia teases me about waking her up in the middle of the night and I showed her the bruise on my shin.
"How many times have I told you to put your trunk away properly?" Angelina scolded and I mumbled an incoherent response.
Because of the dream, more like nightmare, I hadn't got much sleep and so the next day in class I was like a zombie. Especially in History of Magic, which was already mind numbing. I found myself drifting off as I rested my head in my hands but the image of the ghostly figure haunted the darkness of my closed eyes. I jolted awake when a sharp elbow jabbed me in the ribs. My eyes flew open and I looked at George on my right. He was looking between myself and the professor and I then realized that the whole class was looking at me expectantly.
"Sorry, erm, what was the question?" I asked. The ghost sighed. You can stay behind after class Miss Lupin. I groaned and looked at George who shrugged.
"Just great!" I muttered as professor Binns floated away.
That night after we ate in the great hall I apologized to Fred, George and Lee as they followed the marauders map to go and look at a supposed secret passageway and made my way to the History of Magic classroom where the professor made me copy whole pages from the textbook.
He seemed to have forgotten I was there as he let me go rather late after saying,
"Oh hello. I suppose you can leave now." I sighed as I slung my bag over my shoulder and headed down the almost empty corridors, having to explain myself to a Hufflepuff prefect before making it back to the Gryffindor common room.
I was sat at the desk trying to finish the essay that Snape had set for the next day. I was still writing when Fred, George and Lee snuck in. I raised a hand in acknowledgement as they went up the stairs to the boys dorms.

I woke up suddenly to see that the fire had gone out and it was dark in the common room. My head was rested on the writing desk. I had fallen asleep. I was about to stand up and go to my dorm when I realized that there were three dark figures talking in the middle of the room.
"I can't believe you're going to do this Harry."
I recognized Hermione Granger's voice.
"I almost told your brother. Percy, he's a prefect." She said and I realized that Ron was standing beside Harry. Then two of the figures, Harry and Ron, walked over to the portrait.
"Don't you care about Gryffindor, do you only care about yourselves? If you get caught you'll lose all the points I got from Professor McGonagall for knowing about switching spells!"
I watched as Hermione walked out behind them and I made up my mind. Holding back a yawn, I stood up from the chair and crept out the portrait hole before it closed. I followed them to the end of the corridor before speaking in a hushed tone,
"Where are we going?" I laughed silently as they all jumped out of their skins.
"Maddi!" Hissed Ron.
"Aren't you supposed to be setting an example seeing as your older than us?" asks Hermione. I just raised an eyebrow.
"If I can't persuade you to stay in the tower I might as well supervise you."
"We're having a duel with Malfoy." Harry said and I nodded thoughtfully.
"I'm in!"
We were waiting in the trophy room for Malfoy.
"I don't think he's coming!" I spoke after we had been there for ten minutes. The others were about to agree when I heard something.
"Wait..." I whispered.
" Sniff around my sweet, they might be lurking in a corner."
"Filch!" I whispered urgently. "This way!" I said, pointing down the corridor. Harry, Ron and Hermione followed me as we walked quickly down the corridor but Filch was catching up. Ron got nervous and started to run, tripped, grabbed me and we fell into a suit of armour.
"RUN!" Harry called as he and Hermione sprinted off. I picked myself up and helped Ron before we sprinted after them. Due to my long leg I over took them. I recognized a corridor as we hurtled down it and I suddenly veered to the left through a tapestry into a hidden passageway which came out near the charms classroom.
"I think we've lost him." Harry said panting and I nodded in agreement.
"I told you. I told you!" Hermione was saying.
"We've got to get back to Gryffindor tower." said Ron.
"You do realize Malfoy tricked you." I said and Hermione continued.
"He was never going to meet you. He tipped Filch off."
Harry and Ron sighed.
"Let's go." I said and was about to leave when something shot out of the wall next to us. Peeves.
He squealed with delight.
"Miss Lupin!" He said with a malicious grin. I groaned.
"Peeves, don't say anything, please!" I begged.
"Hmm," he said, pretending to think." Seeing as you asked so nicely... No!" he said with a wicked laugh before yelling,
"STUDENTS OUT OF BED! STUDENTS OUT OF BED DOWN THE CHARMS CORRIDOR!" I sighed hopelessly as I heard footsteps approaching.
"Alohamora" I heard from behind me and I turned to see Hermione, Harry and Ron going through a door and into the darkness. I quickly followed and shut the door behind me, leaning my back against it with my eyes closed, trying to regulate my breathing. I listened to Filch asking where we were and I smiled triumphantly as Peeves wooshed away after tricking Filch. Filch cursed and walked away. I breathed a sigh of relief and opened my eyes. I immediately wished I hadn't.
Staring back at me were three pairs of a looking eyes, dripping fangs and three heads. I gulped and spoke quietly,
"Guys... We might wanna... You know... RUN!" I yelled, opening the door and shoving the three first years out the door. Luckily Filch had already gone. We sprinted through the corridors and didn't stop until we reached the fat lady portrait. I said the password breathlessly and we all tumbled inside.
"What was that?!" Ron asked shocked.
"You don't use you eyes any of yo do you?!" Hermione demanded." Didn't you see what it was standing on?"
The trapdoor." I said quietly." It's guarding something."

Voldemort's Weapon *George Weasley* //editing//Where stories live. Discover now