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There was an almighty bang and the sound of squealing, tortured metal, that's when the tree I was sleeping in shook violently as something hard impacted with the trunk.

It was lucky for me I had strapped myself to a large wide branch so I wouldn't fall as I slept.

What the hell!

Wrapping my arms tightly around my make shift bed, I leaned over and peered down, there was loud hissing and steam everywhere, blinking my eyes quickly to adjust them to the early morning light, I spied a car, a huge black monster scrunched up against the base of the tree.

Then a small yellow flicker caught my eye then another.

Shit the damn thing was on fire!

Now I'm not the most savvy person on the planet when it comes to cars, but even I know they run on highly inflammable fuel and mixing them together tended to lead to an explosion.

Unfastening myself quickly from the branch grabbing my meager​ belongings, I slithered down to the ground and just as I was about to beat a hasty retreat, I heard a moan.

Oh god there was someone in the car.

I wrestled with my conscience the need to flee the greater urge, but I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't help.

"Shit!" I screamed, as my moral sense of duty kicked in and I headed to the burning car.

Luckily for me and probably the person inside it was still the right way up and the driver's door had sprung open possibly on impact, but an elderly well dressed man was still strapped in and hunched over the steering wheel with blood oozing from a nasty looking laceration on his forehead.

Dropping my bag on the ground I carefully leaning the guy back causing him to groan in pain, but enabling me to reach his seatbelt.

"Sorry" I muttered.

"But I've got to get you out of here fast"

Leaning across his lap I fought with his seatbelt, it took both my hands and a fair amount of strength to unclip it from its lock and when it sprung free, I had another problem the guy pitched forward and crushed me onto his lap.

Squashed like a sandwich filling I could feel the heat from the flames as they took hold and started to work they way through the car, I knew it wouldn't take long for them to find the fuel tank so I had to work fast.

Pushing up with all my might making the man groan even more I managed to slide out and exit the car.

Grabbing the man under his arm pits and murmuring I was sorry but it was the only way, I pulled and tugged and slowly I managed to drag him free from his seat, though he was moaning a lot I carried on pulling until I felt we were far enough away from the burning wreak.

Then all of a sudden there was a loud explosion and flame shot up in the air, it was then that I realised all my possessions were still by the tree, where I had left then to help.

"Shit!" I yelled again.

"Thank you" came a hoarse whisper from behind me, I turned and locked eyes with the man I had rescued as he lay hunched up against the tree I had rested him against.

"You saved my life"

Forgetting my problems for the moment, I knelt down next to the man.

"You're welcome now I need to get help, do you have a phone on you"

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