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"Name?" The nurse asked in a monotone voice.

"Allison White..." Ali answered, a little on edge. "I just need my medication."

The nurse sighed before walking into the medication closet. Allison waited awkwardly before hearing her phone ring. "Hello...?"

"Allison; where the hell are you?" Dean demanded through his phone.

"I'm at the hospital, getting my medication." Allison answered as the nurse handed her the bottle.

"Yeah well I'm outta beer. Again. Which means that you're not doing your job!" He yelled. "How much more of a disappointment can you be?"

"I can get them after school?" Allison asked frantically.

"If I don't see a six pack by tonight, you're going to get it. Understood?"

"Yes sir." Allison muttered before hanging up and getting into her car. As she drove she thought about that blonde man at the bar. How he actually took the time to smile at her before leaving. Or maybe it was a smirk ...? It didn't really matter because she hasn't seen him in the last couple of days. In fact, she didn't see anyone for the last couple of days. That was ... Interesting.

"Watch where you're going, idiot!" Someone yelled at her, snapping her out of her thoughts. She muttered an apology before parking in the school parking lot and rushing to school.

As she got to her locker, she took a couple of her pills before the bell rang. "Crap."

She took her books out of the locker and turned around, ramming right into a firm chest. She dropped her books from the impact. "Sorry, I should've -"

"Watch where you're going? Yeah, I think so." The boy said harshly before walking away. Elena, who saw the whole ordeal came rushing to Allison's aid.

"I'm sorry about that." Elena apologized.

"Oh - uh it's fine." Allison said. "I'm kind of used to it anyway."

"Don't let people treat you that way." Elena scolded. "I'm Elena, by the way."

"Yeah - uh - I know. We've been going to the same school since like third grade." Allison muttered much to Elena's surprise. She immediately felt bad.

"Right. Remind me of your name again...?" Elena trailed off.

"Allison. Allison White." Allison introduced.

"Well it's nice to officially meet you, Allison." Elena handed her her books. "We're going to be late to class."

"Right." Allison said shortly. "Can't miss that."

"I'll see you later?" Elena shouted after her. Allison stopped, stunned that someone as popular as Elena would want to talk to her again. She paused for another moment before nodding and continuing to run.


After six hours of dreaded school, she made her way over to the grill.

"Hey Al, what's up?" Matt asked, noticing the urgent look on her face.

"Can I get a six pack of beer please? I'm sorry I would've gone to the store but I'm in a rush and I don't have any cash so I figured you could just take it out of my pay check but I totally understand if that wouldn't work -" she rambled, pausing for a breath.

"Hey, calm down alright." He cooed. "What's it for? A party?" Allison gave him a scared look until she realized he was joking. She gave him a hint of a smile before looking down at her watch and realizing the time. Matt realized her pained expression before rushing to get the beer. He came back with the case in his hand, walking in front of the bar.

"What are you doing?"

"Well I can't just let you carry these yourself. I'm a gentleman." Matt says, not taking no for an answer. Eventually Ali complied and brought him to her car. "Listen. I don't know what's going on or what you're doing but be safe, okay?"

"I will." Alison whispered, stunned again that someone would care about her. In that moment her broken heart mended back together a little, figuratively, of course.

And so she hustled into the car back to the house which she would never call home, hoping that her guardian would be asleep. And for once, her wish was granted when she walked in the door to see a sleeping figure on the couch. She quietly set the case down and walked over to the man. She studied his wrinkles and the way his nose twitched slightly as he snores softly. He almost looked peaceful and she almost felt bad for having such hatred towards the man. She sighed, shaking the silly thoughts out of her mind.

He was a monster and monsters deserve hate.

A/n You guys I am SO sorry for not updating at all! I've been so busy then I got caught up with my other tvd book and I have so many story ideas my brain is just jumbled. I will try to continue this book but it's so hard for me.

Safe Haven ▶️ Klaus Mikaelson [C.S]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon