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oliver 🙈
hi dan

dan 👽
hi oliver

oliver 🙈
anything new?

dan 👽
nope, hbu?

oliver 🙈

dan 👽
hey, do you have snapchat?

oliver 🙈 is typing...
oliver 🙈
yes but it's private sorry

dan 👽
oh, what about an instagram?

oliver 🙈 is typing...
oliver 🙈
private as well, sorry !

dan 👽
it's okay dw

dan 👽

oliver 🙈 is typing...
oliver 🙈
my webcam broke :-(

dan 👽
oh, okay dw abt it :-)

dan 👽
i gtg, ttyl?

oliver 🙈
sure !!

qotd; have you ever been catfished?

aotd; nope

also, " ___is typing..." means that they're thinking of their answer.

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